Matthew Hoyle has today given evidence before the Property (Digital Assets etc) Bill Special Public Bill...
One Essex Court is delighted that 27 members of chambers are involved across 5 of the cases featured in...
The Court of Appeal (Flaux C, Males and Falk LLJ) has handed down judgment in Banca Intesa Sanpaolo and...
Matthew Hoyle has written a note for Practical Law on litigating civil fraud in the English courts, from...
In its decision in Kwok v UBS handed down today ([2023] EWCA Civ 222), the Court of Appeal (Lord Burnett...
Deutsche Bank AG has prevailed in the latest phase of its long-running dispute with Monaco-based billionaire...
Matthew Hoyle has written a note for Practical Law on the practice of pleading and proving foreign law...
In a further phase in the long running Deutsche Bank (DB)/Sebastian Holdings Inc (SHI) litigation, Moulder...
On 16 May 2022, Mr Justice Waksman handed down judgment in the joined cases of ENRC v (1) Dechert LLP...