Darren Burrows

Darren Burrows

Senior Clerk
+44 (0)20 7520 4611
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Jackie Ginty

Jackie Ginty

First Deputy Senior Clerk
+44 (0)20 7520 4608
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Rob Smith

Rob Smith

Deputy Senior Clerk
+44 (0)20 7520 4612
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Commercial Court decides in favour of Canary Wharf noteholders

David Wolfson QC and Nehali Shah, instructed by Boies, Schiller & Flexner LLP, secured a judgment...

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Judgment In London Taxi Trade Mark Case

The claims of the London Taxi Company (LTC) to ownership of a trade mark monopoly in the shape and appearance...

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Commercial Court dismisses challenges to arbitral awards

The Commercial Court has dismissed a claim that two arbitral awards should be set aside on the basis that...

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Israel wins gas supply claim against Egypt

An ICC Tribunal (Geneva seat) has ordered the Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation and the Egyptian...

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07/12/2015 Lebara Mobile Ltd v Lycamobile UK Ltd [2015] EWHC 3318 (Ch)).

Lebara Mobile Ltd v Lycamobile UK Ltd [2015] EWHC 3318 (Ch)). On 17 November 2015, Nicholas Lavender QC,...

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The Commercial Court has dismissed a breach of contract claim brought by a London-based broker dealer...

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Lord Grabiner QC delivers Lecture on ‘Public Policy, Illegality and Contracts’

On Tuesday 24 November 2015, Lord Grabiner QC delivered the 2015 Cambridge Private Law Centre Allen &...

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4 November 2015 - Cavendish Square Holding BV (Appellant) v Talal El Makdessi (Respondent) ParkingEye Limited (Respondent) v Beavis

The Supreme Court has allowed the appeal of Cavendish Square Holding BV against the Court of Appeal’s...

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One Essex Court and Laurence Rabinowitz QC win at Chambers UK Bar Awards

One Essex Court took the prestigious Commercial Litigation Set of the Year award at the Chambers...

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27 October 2015 - High Court strikes out claim brought in the names of approximately 65,000 claimants against BA – Bao Xiang International Garment Centre v BA

The High Court has struck out a claim for very substantial alleged damages brought in the names of approximately...

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14 October 2015 - Court of Appeal strikes out economic tort claims against BA - Emerald Supplies Limited v British Airways plc

The Court of Appeal has allowed an appeal by British Airways against the refusal of Mr Justice Peter Smith...

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Four new tenants at One Essex Court

One Essex Court is delighted to announce that all four of the current pupils will join Chambers as...

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