One Essex Court is pleased to sponsor C5’s 2nd Crypto and Digital Asset Fraud & Recovery conference...
The duty of banks to seek to trace and retrieve funds following an authorised push payment fraud has come...
The Court of Appeal has for the first time considered the nature of the limitation period for recovery...
In a judgment handed down on 29 November 2023, Hildyard J clarified an important question as to the relative...
Following a 5 week trial in late 2023, the Commercial Court has today dismissed claims that the African...
Banca Nazionale del Lavoro, Commerzbank and Dexia Credit Local v Provincia di Catanzaro [2023] EWHC...
In Invest Bank v El-Husseini [2023] EWHC 3350 (Comm), Mrs Justice Dias has considered a number of important...
The Court of Appeal (Flaux C, Males and Falk LLJ) has handed down judgment in Banca Intesa Sanpaolo and...
One Essex Court was pleased to sponsor a breakfast briefing that took place in London this morning titled...
One Essex Court is delighted to have been awarded Commercial Dispute Resolution Set of the Year at...
The High Court has, for the first time, expressed doubt about the rule, recognised in Sharp v Blank ([2015]...
In a decision handed down on 9 November 2023, the Upper Tribunal made a costs award against the FCA, including...