Darren Burrows

Darren Burrows

Senior Clerk
+44 (0)20 7520 4611
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Jackie Ginty

Jackie Ginty

First Deputy Senior Clerk
+44 (0)20 7520 4608
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Rob Smith

Rob Smith

Deputy Senior Clerk
+44 (0)20 7520 4612
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Chambers UK Bar 2025 - One Essex Court continues to be identified as a Top Ranked set in 4 practice areas

One Essex Court is pleased to continue to be highly ranked in the latest edition of Chambers UK Bar,...

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OEC Workshops promoting Racial Diversity at the Commercial Bar

One Essex Court is delighted to introduce two new workshops aimed at encouraging and supporting those...

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June-July 2024 Issue

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Vanadium Battery Venture: High Court dismisses JVA claim

On 7 March 2022, George Bompas QC (sitting as a Deputy Judge of the High Court) handed down judgment in...

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High Court grants stay on forum non conveniens grounds and dismisses application for injunctive relief

On 11 April 2022 Joanna Smith J handed down judgment in BRG NOAL GP S.à r.l. & Anor v (1) Stefan...

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Important Commercial Court judgment on issue estoppel and abuse of process

In a judgment handed down today (PJSC NBT v Mints [2022] EWHC 871(Comm)), Foxton J has addressed a number...

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One Essex Court to host LIDW22 event - Offshore interim relief in international fraud and asset chases

One Essex Court is delighted to co-host a hybrid event during London International Disputes Week 2022...

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High Court determines that claims by liquidators are time-barred

Marcus Smith J today handed down judgment in Bilta (UK) Ltd v Tradition Financial Services Ltd (“TFS”)...

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Lebanese banks ordered to make international transfers

Mr Justice Picken today handed down judgment in the case of Manoukian v (1) Societe Generale de Banque...

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Astor succeeds at trial

On 21 March 2022, Mr Justice Calver handed down judgment in Astor & ors v Atalaya & Ors [2022]...

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Silks Day 2022

Congratulations to Alexander Polley QC, Sebastian Isaac QC and James MacDonald QC following today's Silk...

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Article on the role of the judiciary in choice of governing law

Dame Elizabeth Gloster has co-authored an article for Commercial Dispute Resolution (CDR) on the role...

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Battery Storage Venture: Circuit Commercial Court rejects claim for damages and/or restitution

On 18 February 2022, HHJ Mark Cawson QC, sitting as a Judge of the High Court, handed down judgment in...

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Upper Tribunal rules on the taxation of oil royalties and article 6 of the UK / Canada Double Tax Treaty

HMRC has successfully resisted the taxpayer’s appeal to the Upper Tribunal in Royal Bank of Canada...

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Post Prudential Closure Notice Applications and Appeals Group Litigation: FTT Decision

The First-tier Tribunal has upheld claims by the taxpayers in the test cases in the Post Prudential Closure...

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