Sophie Weber

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Sophie Weber


Call 2011

Sophie undertakes a wide range of commercial work in both litigation and arbitration. As well as acting as sole counsel, Sophie has experience of being led in substantial, complex and high-value litigation in the High Court, the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court. She also has significant experience of international arbitrations (including but not limited to ICC rules) and sits as an arbitrator. She has also assisted with proceedings before the Singapore International Commercial Court (SICC) and the Singapore Court of Appeal (SCA).

Sophie has a particular expertise in jurisdiction and choice of law, having written her MPhil thesis on jurisdiction agreements under the supervision of Professor Adrian Briggs. She is fluent in German, French and Luxembourgish and has acted for both German and French clients and firms. She also has a good knowledge of Spanish. Sophie is a member of the Attorney General's B Panel of Counsel.

Current & recent cases include:

  • Jinxin Inv c Aser Media Pte Ltd (Commercial Court)
    For D6 and D9 (with Laurence Rabinowitz KC and Simon Colton KC) in defending claims for fraudulent misrepresentation and conspiracy following the sale to the claimant of 65% of the shares in MP & Silva SA, formerly a global sports agency whose primary business is the acquisition and international resale of media rights for sporting events. The representations are alleged to have been made in respect of inter alia the acquisition of the media rights to the Italian Serie A football matches and to the 2022 & 2026 FIFA World Cup for Italy. The claimant seeks rescission of the SPA alternatively damages in the sum of US$ 661 million.

  • Aston Martin Mena Limited v Aston Martin Lagonda Limited (Commercial Court)
    For the defendant well-known luxury car manufacturer in respect of a claim for allegedly unpaid debts alternatively damages of around £10 million arising out of a terminated agency relationship and distribution agreements of Aston Martin cars in the MENA region and counterclaims for funds due from C to D pursuant to indemnities under the same arrangements.

  • Marex Financial Limited v Carlos Sevilleja Garcia (Supreme Court) [2020] UKSC 31
    For the successful appellant (with George Bompas QC) in a rare 7-panel hearing concerning the proper scope and application of the rule against the recovery of reflective loss. The Supreme Court held unanimously that claims by unsecured creditors are not barred by such rule. You can view the Judgment for First Instance here, Court of Appeal here and Supreme Court here.

  • Danish Customs and Tax Administration v Solo Capital Partners & Ors (Commercial Court)
    For the Danish Customs and Tax Administration (with Michael Fealy QC, Jamie Goldsmith QC, Abra Bompas, Sam O'Leary, James Ruddell and Krishna Krishnaprasad) in high profile US$1.5 billion claims against around 100 defendants arising out of an alleged international conspiracy to deceive the authority. The claims are pleaded under English law, alternatively Danish law.

Historically, Sophie has acted and/or advised in a number of market-leading cases, including: Edgeworth Capital Luxembourg Sàrl v Aabar Investments PJS (for Aabar successfully defending proceedings brought by a Robert Tchenguiz-related entity concerning sums due in excess of €100 million and the enforcement of security rights sought by Aabar under contracts concerning loan and other interests relating to the financing of the Spanish headquarters of Banco Santander in Madrid, and alleged related oral joint venture contracts); McGraw-Hill International (now known as S&P Global UK Limited) v Deutsche Apotheker & Ors (Commercial Court) (for investors in a large and complex dispute (ultimately settled) arising out of alleged negligence and fraudulent or negligent misrepresentations by a leading rating agency (S&P) and a bank (RBS) in relation to the sale of Constant Proportion Debt Obligation Notes); Claimants v Sir Robert McAlpine Ltd & Ors (Queen’s Bench Division) (for a consortium of the major UK construction companies in the “Construction Industry Vetting Information Group Litigation” arising out of the alleged creation and use of a “blacklist” of construction workers said to have been used by major construction companies when choosing staff in relation to significant projects); and Dar Al Arkan & Anr v Al Refai & Ors (Commercial Court) (listed as one of The Lawyer’s Top 20 cases for 2014 and 2015: Global Disputes in the English Courts) (for D2, defending claims (ultimately settled) worth US$ 800 million arising out of allegations of fraud, breach of confidence, defamation and breaches of international accounting standards and breaches of banking law, regulations and practice in the Middle East having generated considerable interim proceedings including the leading Court of Appeal judgment on the meaning of CPR 81.4(3)).

In 2007, Sophie was a stagiaire in the Cabinet of the late Advocate General Dámaso Ruiz-Jarabo Colomer, European Court of Justice (Luxembourg). Between 2010 and 2018, she has taught a variety of private and commercial law courses, including competition law at the University of Oxford, English contract law and French private law at King’s College London.

  • Examples of Recent Cases

    • Arbitration

      • LCIA Proceedings (London Seat)
        For Respondents (as sole counsel until after document production and then with Ben Strong QC) in respect of claims for unpaid invoices totalling around US$8million and counterclaims for damages for breach of contract of at least US$ 15million.
      • Ad-hoc Proceedings (Geneva Seat)
        For the respondent company and its beneficial owner (with Michael Fealy QC) in an acrimonious joint venture dispute defending claims amongst other things for diversion of business and loss of profits and counterclaiming that the JV agreement was lawfully terminated, that there was no unlawful competition and that the respondents are entitled to profit distributions and payments in relation to operating expenses.
      • ICC Proceedings (London Seat)
        For a major UK company (with Mark Howard QC, Richard Gillis QC, Alexander Polley and Mike Watkins), defending claims valued at £850million for deceit and breach of accounting warranties arising out of a sale of an Asian subsidiary.
      • ICC Proceedings
        For the claimant contractor (with David Streatfield-James QC and Serena Cheng QC) in complex and substantial arbitral proceedings relating to the construction and delivery of an airport in the Middle East. The quantum claimed was c. £80 million and by way of counterclaim c. £200 million.
      • ICC Proceedings (Frankfurt Seat)
        For the Claimants (with Anthony de Garr Robinson QC) in a fraudulent misrepresentation claim arising out of the acquisition of a Bank in Eastern Europe. The claim was governed by German law and involved issues concerning the correct calculation of loan loss provisions under local and international accounting standards.
      • Sophie also has experience of sitting as an arbitrator in LCIA Proceedings.
    • Banking and Financial Services

      • Toni v Ardatovsky (Queen’s Bench Division then London Central County Court) 
        For the claimant (as sole counsel) in respect of his claim for repayment of sums due under a convertible loan agreement.
      • Edgeworth Capital Luxembourg Sàrl v Aabar Investments PJS [2018] EWHC 1627 (Comm)
        For Aabar, a subsidiary of an Abu Dhabi sovereign wealth fund (with Sonia Tolaney QC and James MacDonald), successfully defending proceedings brought by a Robert Tchenguiz-related entity concerning sums due in excess of €100 million and the enforcement of security rights sought by Aabar under contracts concerning loan and other interests relating to the financing of the Spanish headquarters of Banco Santander in Madrid, and alleged related oral joint venture contracts.
      • McGraw-Hill International (now known as S&P Global (UK) Limited) v Deutsche Apotheker & Ors (Commercial Court)
        For German, Austrian and Swiss investors (with Daniel Toledano QC, Sharif Shivji and Jamie Goldsmith) in a large, complex and high-profile dispute (ultimately settled) arising out of alleged negligence and fraudulent or negligent misrepresentations by a leading rating agency (S&P) and a bank (RBS) in relation to the sale of ten-year Constant Proportion Debt Obligation Notes arranged in 2006 by ABN Amro Bank NV and rated AAA by S&P, which failed within 2 years. The damages claimed exceed €130m. As well as being an important case on the liability of banks to investors, it raised a novel point of English law as to whether a credit rating agency owes a duty of care to investors.
    • Commercial Litigation

      • Aston Martin Mena Limited v Aston Martin Lagonda Limited (Commercial Court)
        For the defendant luxury car manufacturer (leading Robert Harris) in respect of a claim for allegedly unpaid debts alternatively damages of around £10 million arising out of a terminated agency relationship and distribution agreements of Aston Martin cars in the MENA region and counterclaims for funds due from C to D pursuant to indemnities under the same arrangements.​
      • Daiwa Capital Markets Europe Limited v Maan Abdul Wahed Al Sanea (Commercial Court)
        For the claimant (as sole counsel) in contribution proceedings against the defendant following a judgment made against the claimant holding it liable for US$152.8 million seeking recovering of that principal amount plus interest and costs. The claimant obtained a number of extension of time to serve the claim form in Saudi Arabia and an order for service by an alternative method and retrospective validation of steps already taken (a copy of the judgment is available here prior to obtaining judgment in default in December 2021.
      • ConocoPhillips Skandinavia AS v. Aker BP ASA (Commercial Court)
        For the claimant buyer under a long-term agreement for the sale and purchase of natural gas from the Valhall Field in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea (with Laurence Emmett QC) in respect of an adjustment to the pricing provisions of that contract. It is a rare example of a gas price review being litigated in the Courts as opposed to by arbitration though the case ultimately settled prior to the first CMC.
      • Stahlschmidt Inc v Kuhn (Queen’s Bench Division)
        For the applicant/defendant (as sole counsel) in successfully striking out all of the claims for abuse of process.
      • Danish Customs and Tax Administration v Solo Capital Partners & Ors (Commercial Court)
        For the Danish Customs and Tax Administration (with Michael Fealy QC, Jamie Goldsmith QC and Sam O'Leary) in high profile US$ 1.5 billion claims against 98 defendants arising out of an alleged international conspiracy to deceive the authority. The claims are pleaded under English law, alternatively Danish law.
      • Marex Financial Limited v Carlos Sevilleja Garcia (Commercial Court; Court of Appeal and Supreme Court)
        For the successful appellant (with George Bompas QC) in a rare 7-panel hearing concerning the proper scope and application of the rule against the recovery of reflective loss. The Supreme Court held unanimously that claims by unsecured creditors are not barred by such rule.
      • KMG International NV v Melanie Ann Chen & Anor (Commercial Court)
        For the claimant (with Alain Choo Choy QC and Anna Dilnot QC), in proceedings against a former director and her vehicle for compensation in respect of the unlawful dissipation of assets. The case involves BVI related proceedings, Swiss related insolvency and Dutch disclosure related proceedings. The claimant also obtained worldwide freezing relief. The defendants unsuccessfully applied to strike out the entire claim on the basis that both the English and the Dutch law claims are barred by the English rule against the recovery reflective loss. [2019] EWHC 2389 (Comm).
      • Edgeworth Capital Luxembourg Sàrl v Aabar Investments PJS [2018] EWHC 1627 (Comm)
        For Aabar, a subsidiary of an Abu Dhabi sovereign wealth fund (with Sonia Tolaney QC and James MacDonald QC), successfully defending proceedings brought by a Robert Tchenguiz-related entity concerning sums due in excess of €100 million and the enforcement of security rights sought by Aabar under contracts concerning loan and other interests relating to the financing of the Spanish headquarters of Banco Santander in Madrid, and alleged related oral joint venture contracts.
      • McGraw-Hill International (now known as S&P Global (UK) Limited) v Deutsche Apotheker & Ors (Commercial Court)
        For German, Austrian and Swiss investors (with Daniel Toledano QC, Sharif Shivji and Jamie Goldsmith QC) in a large, complex and high-profile dispute (ultimately settled) arising out of alleged negligence and fraudulent or negligent misrepresentations by a leading rating agency (S&P) and a bank (RBS) in relation to the sale of ten-year Constant Proportion Debt Obligation Notes arranged in 2006 by ABN Amro Bank NV and rated AAA by S&P, which failed within 2 years. The damages claimed exceed €130m. As well as being an important case on the liability of banks to investors, it raised a novel point of English law as to whether a credit rating agency owes a duty of care to investors.
      • Claimants v Sir Robert McAlpine Ltd & Ors  (Queen’s Bench Division)
        Assisted Andrew Caldecott QC, David Cavender QC and Edmund Nourse QC with the preparation of statements of case for a consortium of the major UK construction companies in the “Construction Industry Vetting Information Group Litigation” arising out of the alleged creation and use of a “blacklist” of construction workers said to have been used by major construction companies when choosing staff in relation to significant projects.
      • Dar Al Arkan & Ors v (1) Al Refai (2) Kroll & Ors (Commercial Court)
        For Kroll Associated Limited (with Craig Orr QC, Nicholas Sloboda and James Petkovic) defending very large claims (circa US$ 800m) brought in the Commercial Court raising allegations of fraud, conspiracy, breach of confidence, defamation and breaches of international accounting standards and breaches of banking law, regulations and practice in the Middle East.  The case involved consideration of complex factual issues as well as expert evidence on foreign law (Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Malaysia), standard banking practice and Islamic financial instruments, tracing flows of funds and proper accounting treatment. The 8-week trial commenced in March 2015 and settled in May 2015 shortly before the start of expert evidence.  This dispute involved considerable interim proceedings and judgments, including:
        • Injunctive proceedings: [2012] EWHC 3539 (Comm) (6 days, November 2012) – successfully discharging injunctions against Kroll (with indemnity basis costs) for (among other things) material non-disclosure by the Claimants.
        • Committal proceedings: [2013] EWHC 4112 (QB); [2015] 1 WLR 135; [2014] EWHC 1055 (Comm) – brought by Kroll against the Claimants and a senior officer of the Claimants for contempt. The senior officer (who was domiciled in Saudi Arabia) unsuccessfully challenged the jurisdiction of the English Court, both before the Commercial Court [2013] EWHC 4112 (QB) and Court of Appeal [2015] 1 WLR 135. Recusal issues and the question when the committal hearing should properly take place were also raised [2014] EWHC 1055 (Comm). A 5-day committal hearing took place in September 2014.
        • Court of Appeal (supra et): [2014] EWCA Civ 749 – an unsuccessful appeal by the Claimants against a split trial order.
      • Wilmington Healthcare Limited v EMAP Publishing Limited (Technology and Construction Court)
        For the defendant (with Edmund Norse QC) in defending claims (ultimately settled) for breach of an asset purchase agreement.
      • CPS TopCo Limited v De La Rue Holdings Limited (Commercial Court)
        For the defendant company (as sole counsel) in defending claims valued at around £3.3 million for breach of warranties in a share purchase agreement in relation to the sale of the defendant’s cash processing business.
      • Cullum v Towergate Financial (London) Limited and Ors (London Circuit Commercial Court)
        For the claimant businessman (as sole counsel against leading counsel) in a £1.5 million claim for damages for breach of contract and/or negligence and/or breach of statutory duty in respect of advice received in relation to a complex financial tax-efficient investment. The dispute was settled shortly prior to a 5-day trial.
      • Bosler v Kuhn (Chancery Division)
        For the defendant businessman (as sole counsel) in defending a claim for breach of contract by a former business partner. The claim gives rise to various German law issues. The dispute was settled shortly prior to a 6-day trial.
      • Masternaut Bidco Ltd v Mr Hiscox & Mr Bosson (Commercial Court)
        For the former CEO and CFO of a telematics business (with Richard Boulton QC) in defending a claim for breach of warranties arising out of the sale of the business. The case involved amongst other things issues concerning revenue recognition. The case settled before the first CMC.
      • Integral Management Future Renewables UK Limited v Rewinds and J Windsor & Sons (Engineers) Limited
        For the claimant company (as sole counsel) in claims for damages for breach of contract and/or negligence arising from the failure of a generator. The case settled shortly after the first CMC.
      • Western Harvesters Limited v James
        For the claimant (as sole counsel) in claim for damages for breach of contract arising from the hire of a tractor. The case settled after the first CMC.
      • Haven Power Limited v Various
        For an electricity company (as sole counsel) in various proceedings in relation to deemed contracts for the provision of electricity.
      • Archant Communications Media Limited v OEG Improvements Limited
        For a publisher of newspapers and magazines (as sole counsel) in a successful claim for unpaid sponsorship charges.
      • Ward v Crest Nicholson Operations Limited
        For a large building company (as sole counsel) defending a claim for lost rent allegedly due to the defective state of the property.
      • Salako v Nationwide Building Society & Anr
        For Nationwide (as sole counsel) in financial services litigation arising out of a mortgage shortfall.
      • Nowak v Persimmon Plc
        For a large building company (as sole counsel) defending a claim for diminution in value of a property allegedly built in breach of contract and building regulations.
      • Keybar Limited v Miller Pilling Limited
        For a building company (as sole counsel) in a contractual dispute with an employment agency.
    • Civil Fraud

      • Jinxin Inv c Aser Media Pte Ltd (Commercial Court)
        For D6 and D9 (with Laurence Rabinowitz KC and Simon Colton KC) in defending claims for fraudulent misrepresentation and conspiracy following the sale to the claimant of 65% of the shares in MP & Silva SA, formerly a global sports agency whose primary business is the acquisition and international resale of media rights for sporting events. The representations are alleged to have been made in respect of inter alia the acquisition of the media rights to the Italian Serie A football matches and to the 2022 & 2026 FIFA World Cup for Italy, San Marino and the Vatican. C seeks rescission of the SPA alternatively damages in the sum of US$ 661 million.
      • Danish Customs and Tax Administration v Solo Capital Partners & Ors (Commercial Court)
        For the Danish Customs and Tax Administration (with Michael Fealy QC, Jamie Goldsmith QC and Sam O'Leary) in high profile US$ 1.5 billion claims against 98 defendants arising out of an alleged international conspiracy to deceive the authority. The claims are pleaded under English law, alternatively Danish law.
      • KMG International NV v Melanie Ann Chen & Ors (Commercial Court)
        For the claimant (with Alain Choo Choy QC and Anna Dilnot), in proceedings against a former director and her vehicle for compensation in respect of the unlawful dissipation of assets owned by companies within a group ultimately held by a Swiss parent company, the result of which has been to deprive the Swiss parent company of the ability to satisfy a substantial Dutch arbitration award of over US$ 200 million obtained by the claimant against the Swiss company in April 2016. The case involves BVI related proceedings, Swiss related insolvency and Dutch disclosure related proceedings. The claimant also obtained worldwide freezing relief.
      • Dar Al Arkan & Anr v (1) Al Refai, (2) Kroll & ors (supra)
        For Kroll Associates Limited (with Craig Orr QC and Nicholas Sloboda) defending very large claims (circa US$ 800m) brought in the Commercial Court inter alia for conspiracy, breach of confidence and defamation. A key issue in the dispute (ultimately settled after the start of an 8-week trial) was whether a Bahraini based investment bank had provided illicit funding support to a Saudi real estate company by engaging in undisclosed related party transactions. This required a complex funds tracing exercise to be undertaken.
    • Jurisdiction and Conflict of Laws

      • Pantheon Advisors International Ltd v Co-Diagnostics Ltd (Queen’s Bench Division)
        For the defendant (as sole counsel) in respect of a challenge to the jurisdiction of the English Court in respect of a claim relying on CPR 6.33(2B)(b).
      • Marex Financial Limited v Carlos Sevilleja Garcia [2017] 4 WLR 105 (Commercial Court), [2019] QB 173 (CA)
        For the successful appellant (with George Bompas QC) in a rare 7-panel hearing concerning the proper scope and application of the rule against the recovery of reflective loss. The Supreme Court held unanimously that claims by unsecured creditors are not barred by such rule.
      • KMG International NV v Melanie Ann Chen & Anor [2018] EWHC 1078 (Comm)
        For KMG (with Alain Choo Choy QC and Anna Dilnot) in successfully resisting the defendant’s jurisdiction challenge based on forum non conveniens where the defendant had been personally served with proceedings while in England.
      • Dar Al Arkan & Ors v (1) Al Refai (2) Kroll & Ors (Comm) [2015] 1 WLR 135 (CA)
        For Kroll Associates Limited (with Charles Graham QC and Nicholas Sloboda) successfully resisting a jurisdiction challenge both at first instance and on appeal brought by a senior officer of Claimant companies against whom Kroll had brought contempt proceedings. Kroll was successful in arguing that CPR 81.4(3) (which provides for the imprisonment of a director for the company’s contempt) has extra-territorial effect i.e. that it applies to a director domiciled outside of the jurisdiction. Kroll’s cross-appeal on the scope of Article 22 of the Brussels I Regulation did not fall to be considered but given the importance of the point, the Court of Appeal expressed an obiter view accepting Kroll’s submissions that Choudhary v Bhattar [2009] EWCA Civ 1176 was decided per incuriam because the relevant ECJ jurisprudence had been overlooked in that case.
      • Mauritius Commercial Bank Ltd v Hestia Holdings Ltd and Ors [2013] EWHC 1328 (Comm)
        For the applicants (with Henry Forbes Smith) in a jurisdiction challenge considering the proper law governing a one-sided jurisdiction agreement and its validity under Mauritian law, alternatively English common law.
      • Antonio Gramsci Shipping Corporation v Lembergs [2012] EWHC 1887 (Comm)
        For Mr Lembergs (with Anthony de Garr Robinson QC and Laurence Emmett), in a jurisdiction challenge arising in a claim relating to an alleged fraud in the Latvian shipping industry. The case considered, amongst other matters, the possibility of establishing jurisdiction by ‘piercing the corporate veil’ and the operation of Articles 23 and 24 of the Brussels I Regulation. Subsequently acted, opposing permission to appeal the Court of Appeal’s decision [2013] EWCA 730 on Article 23 of the Brussels I Regulation to the Supreme Court.
      • EM Finance Consulting LLP v Jordan & Anr
        For the applicant consultancy firm (as sole counsel), obtaining an order for alternative service on a director domiciled in Dubai.
    • Contractual Disputes

      • Advised an English company on potential claims for unpaid fees pursuant to a consultancy agreement in respect of PPE equipment delivered to the UK government.
      • Advised a London Borough Council on the application and effect of Qualifying Law and Force Majeure provisions in a long-term contract.
      • Advised on the proper construction of contractual drag along rights.
      • Advised (with Rhodri Davies QC) in respect of potential claims for closet tracking.​
      • Ardennes Europe Conseil sprl v Geos International Consulting Limited
        Provided a written expert opinion on English law for the Claimant in Belgian Court proceedings in relation to issues arising from the alleged unlawful termination of a consultancy agreement and available remedies.
      • Advised foreign company in relation to potential claims against mortgagees/chargees.
      • Advised a magazine publisher in relation to claims for unpaid debts.
      • Advised (with David Wolfson QC) in relation to issues of subordination and discounting of debt in the context of the Lehman Brothers administration
      • Advised a large financial institution on rights under a proposed side letter in the context of a sale of a wholly-owned subsidiary.
      • Advised a mobile phone business on rights following the unlawful termination of a contract.
    • Competition/EU

      • Chilcott UK Limited; Actavis Holdings UK Limited
        Acted and advised (with Camilla Bingham QC and Derek Spitz) for defendants in a fraud and breach of warranty claim involving alleged anti-competitive restrictive practices and abuse of dominance in relation to the supply of hydrocortisone tablets.
      • Mag Kitchens and Bathrooms Limited v Barber, Wilson and Company Limited (Chancery Division)
        For the defendant (as sole counsel) in claims for breach of contract (seeking declaratory relief that D was not entitled to terminate contract without giving reasonable notice) and damages for breach of section 2 of the Competition Act 1998 valued at around £180,000. The case settled prior to the first CMC.
      • Case C-591/10 Littlewoods Retail Ltd v Revenue and Customs Commissioners (Grand Chamber) [2012] STC 1714
        Assisted (during pupillage) David Anderson QC, Laurence Rabinowitz QC and Steven Elliott in a hearing before the Grand Chamber at the Court of Justice of the European Union concerning the compatibility of the UK statutory regime for recovery of unduly paid VAT with the EU principles of equivalence and effectiveness.
      • Test Claimants in the Franked Investment Income Group Litigation v Commissioners of Inland Revenue [2012] UKSC 19
        Assisted (during pupillage) Laurence Rabinowitz CQ in relation to the European law aspects of the appeal to the Supreme Court.
    • Injunctions & Jurisdiction Challenges

      • KMG International NV v Melanie Ann Chen & Anor (Commercial Court)
        For the Dutch claimant (with Alain Choo Choy QC and Anna Dilnot) in successfully obtaining a worldwide freezing order against a former director and her vehicle in proceedings for compensation in respect of the unlawful dissipation of assets.
      • Urgent interim injunction (Queen’s Bench Division)
        For a UK company (with Hugh Tomlinson QC) in successfully obtaining an urgent interim injunction preventing a former employee, his relative and persons unknown from selling and otherwise disclosing confidential customer data on the dark web.
      • Out of hours interim injunction (Queen’s Bench Division)
        For a merchant acquirer (with Daniel Toledano QC) in successfully obtaining an urgent out of hours interim mandatory injunction requiring a major bank from to continue the provision of services in relation to various settlement and safeguarded accounts. The application was made and heard late on a Friday evening.
      • JSC BTA Bank v Ablyazov
        For a non-party respondent (with Daniel Toledano DC) in well publicized litigation, opposing the grant of a search order.
      • Dar Al Arkan Real Estate Development Co v Al Refai and Ors [2012] EWHC 3539 (Comm)
        For Kroll Associates Limited (with Craig Orr KQCC and Nicholas Sloboda) successfully setting aside orders for delivery up and restraint on use of confidential information for (among other things) material non-disclosure.
      • Interlink College of Technology & Business Studies v British Gas Trading Ltd
        For British Gas (as sole counsel) successfully discharging injunctions (with indemnity costs) for material non-disclosure and because contrary to the energy provider’s right of entry and right to disconnect Interlink’s electricity supply.
  • What the Directories Say

    Chamber & Partners 2025 (Commercial Dispute Resolution)Sophie is a very clever and very dedicated junior; she's very much into the documents and invaluable in preparations for trial.”  “Her oral advocacy is really good. She is extremely clear and logical in her submissions and she reads the court well.” “A wiz with the evidence, she gets her head around complex facts and knows how to test and tell a story.”

    Chambers & Partners 2024 (Commercial Dispute Resolution) “Sophie's commercial awareness is excellent - she cuts straight to the point and delivers on-point advice.” ""Sophie produces clear, well-structured advocacy in court."

    Chambers & Partners 2023 (Commercial Litigation) "Sophie is responsive and extremely diligent. She is someone with an extraordinary work ethic who is unbelievably thorough." 

    Chambers & Partners 2022 (Commercial Litigation) "Responsive, extremely diligent, and someone with an extraordinary work ethic who is unbelievably thorough." 

    Chambers & Partners 2021 (Commercial Litigation) "She is positive, proactive, brilliant and determined when advancing her client's case." "You can rely on her to pick up absolutely everything, and she has good commercial judgement."​

    Chambers & Partners 2020 (Commercial Litigation) "Fantastic and she gets across documents very quickly."  "She's a very intelligent and sharp-witted barrister who is very hard working." 

    Chambers & Partners 2019 (Commercial Litigation - up and coming juniors) "Has a careful eye and an incredible memory for detail in evidence. She stands out for her ability to get on top of a difficult case quickly." "Sophie is extremely thorough, straight-talking and succinct” 

    Chambers & Partners 2018 (Commercial Litigation - up and coming juniors) "Impresses with her ability to understand and contextualise information very quickly."  "Offers a first rate service, and is good in terms of her commitment to the case and accessibility."

    Sophie was listed as one of the ‘Top Ten Under 8 Years’ Call’ for Commercial Litigation in Legal 500 2018 ("conscientious, courteous and intelligent.")

    Legal 500 2017 (“very thoughtful, focused and extremely hardworking.")

  • Academic Achievements

    Worshipful Company of Arbitrators Prize, City Law School [2011]

    Queen Mother Scholarship and Entrance Exhibition, Middle Temple [2010–2011]

    Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer Scholarship, University of Oxford [2009–2010]

    Jenkins Memorial Fund Scholarship, University of Oxford [2008–2009]

    Chevening Scholarship, British Embassy in Luxembourg [2008–2009]

    Winner of the KCL Jelf Medal, King’s College London [2008]

    Clifford Chance Prize for outstanding performance in the LLB in English and French Law (highest average mark), King’s College London [2005–2008]

    Herbert Smith Prize in Principles of International Trade Law & Withers Prize in Trusts, King’s College London [2006]

    AG Guest Prize in Contract Law, King’s College London [2005]

  • Other Experience

    Visiting Lecturer in French Private Law, King’s College London [2013-2018]

    Graduate Teaching Assistant in Competition Law, University of Oxford [2010–2011]

    Tutor in Contract Law, King’s College London [2010–2011]

    Internship in the International Arbitration Department of Shearman & Sterling LLP, Paris [July–September 2008]

    Stagiaire in the Cabinet of the late Advocate General Dámaso Ruiz-Jarabo Colomer, European Court of Justice (Luxembourg) [June 2007]

    UK Champion (with the King’s College London Team) of the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition. Awarded Best Oralist Prize in the UK Grand Final and 4th Best Oralist Prize in the International Rounds in Washington [2006]

  • Languages

    Fluent in German, French and Luxembourgish 
    Good knowledge of Spanish

  • Education

    City Law School: BPTC (Outstanding) [2010–2011]

    University of Oxford, Magdalen College: MPhil ‘The Effect of Jurisdiction Agreements on Third Parties in the Maritime Context’ (Distinction) [2009–2010]

    University of Oxford, Magdalen College: BCL (Distinction) [2008–2009]

    King’s College London: LLB in English and French Law (First Class Honours) [2004–2008]

    Université Paris 1 (Panthéon-Sorbonne): Maîtrise en droits français et anglais (mention très bien) [2004–2008]


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The End of the No Reflective Loss Rule? The Supreme Court’s Decision in Sevilleja v Marex Financial Limited [2020] UKSC 31

In this webinar, Sophie Weber discusses the Supreme Court's landmark decision in Sevilleja v...

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