Jade Fowler

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Jade Fowler

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Jade Fowler


Call 2019

Jade has a broad practice covering all areas of Chambers' work. She has worked on a range of commercial disputes including in areas such as banking, jurisdiction challenges, commercial litigation and arbitration. Jade has experience of working in counsel teams of various sizes and matters in her own right.

Recent and notable work includes:

  • Municipio de Mariana & Ors v BHP Group (UK) Ltd (formerly BHP Group PLC) and BHP Group Ltd
    Acting (with Daniel Toledano KC, Shaheed Fatima KC, Victoria Windle KC, Nicholas Sloboda KC and others – instructed by Slaughter and May) for BHP in the high-profile group claim brought by c.700,000 claimants in relation to the collapse of the Fundão Dam in Brazil. The litigation has been repeatedly reported within The Lawyer’s Top 20 cases. The 12-week first instance (TCC) trial of Stage 1 of the proceedings concluded in March 2025. Judgment of Mrs Justice O’Farrell is pending. Jade also acted for BHP in its jurisdiction challenge before the Court of Appeal [2022] EWCA Civ 951.
  • Surrey Searches Limited & Ors v Northumbrian Water Limited & Ors [2024] EWHC 1643 (Ch)
    Acted (with Edmund Nourse KC, James Nadin and others – instructed by Eversheds Sutherland) for several UK water companies in group litigation concerning claims by c.100,000 claimants for restitution of over £150m for fees paid to the water companies for environmental searches purchased over a period of many years. The Claimants alleged that the water companies were obliged, under the Environmental Information Regulations 2004, to provide information contained in the environmental searches for free. In June 2024, judgment was handed down in Stage 1 of the proceedings, with the Court finding for the Defendants on the vast majority of Stage 1 issues. The claims settled shortly thereafter.
  • Seiler & Ors v. The Financial Conduct Authority [2023] UKUT 133 (TCC)
    Acted (with Ben Strong KC – instructed by Mishcon de Reya LLP) for a manager of a Swiss private bank, in a successful reference to the Upper Tribunal of a decision of the FCA’s Regulatory Decisions Committee (RDC) to impose a prohibition order on the basis of alleged lack of integrity. 
  • LCIA Proceedings (2024)
    Acted (with Charles Graham KC and Joshua Crow – instructed by Quinn Emanuel Urquart & Sullivan LLP) for the Respondent in resisting declaratory claims surrounding the termination of oil and gas production sharing contracts, and in a counterclaim for damages. 
  • LCIA Proceedings (2021)
    Acted (with Charles Graham KC – instructed by Quinn Emanuel Urquart & Sullivan LLP) for the Claimant (energy major) in a dispute concerning a claim for breach of contract and duty of obligations to disclose information under a JVA with the Defendant’s European subsidiary company. The claim centred around the Claimant’s purchase of a multinational oil and gas exploration and production company for $5.5 billion, in circumstances where the Defendant was pursing an arbitration claim against the company in question for $8 billion.
  • Examples of Recent Cases

    • Arbitration

      • LCIA Proceedings (2021)
        Acted for the Claimant (with Charles Graham KC) in a dispute concerning a claim for breach of contract and duty of obligations to disclose information under a joint venture agreement with the Defendant’s European subsidiary company. The claim centred around the Claimant’s purchase of a multinational oil and gas exploration and production company for $5.5 billion, in circumstances where the Defendant was pursing an arbitration claim against the company in question for $8 billion
      • Assisted Laurence Emmett (during pupillage) with legal research on rectification arising in relation to a PFI contract.
      • Assisted Sebastian Isaac (during pupillage) in preparing for a high value ICC arbitration between substantial global commodities concerns (confidential).
      • Assisted Sebastian Isaac (during pupillage) with preparing a defence to a claim between the offshore vehicles of two metals oligarchs in an LCIA Arbitration (confidential).
    • Banking and Finance

      • Seiler v The Financial Conduct Authority
        Acting against the FCA (with Ben Strong KC) in a reference to the Upper Tribunal of a decision of the FCA’s Regulatory Decisions Committee to impose a prohibition order on the basis of lack of integrity.
      • Kwok v UBS AG
        Assisted Seb Isaac (during pupillage) with advice and drafting Particulars of Claim in a high value claim against a bank in relation to its Hong Kong commercial banking operations.
    • Commercial Litigation

      • Municipio de Mariana & Ors v BHP Group (UK) Ltd (formerly BHP Group PLC) and BHP Group Ltd
        Acting (with Daniel Toledano KC, Shaheed Fatima KC, Victoria Windle KC, Nicholas Sloboda KC and others – instructed by Slaughter and May) for BHP in the high-profile group claim brought by c.700,000 claimants in relation to the collapse of the Fundão Dam in Brazil. The litigation has been repeatedly reported within The Lawyer’s Top 20 cases. The 12-week first instance (TCC) trial of Stage 1 of the proceedings concluded in March 2025. Judgment of Mrs Justice O’Farrell is pending. Jade also acted for BHP in its jurisdiction challenge before the Court of Appeal [2022] EWCA Civ 951.
      • Acted for a defendant in successfully obtaining an order striking out a claim in respect of purported faulty goods.
      • Acted successfully on two occasions for defendants in obtaining an order setting aside default judgment, both in respect of claims for breach of contract.
      • Acted for a claimant in seeking recovery of a contractual debt.
      • Acted for a claimant in seeking return of goods.
      • Koza Ltd v Koza Altin
        Acted (with David Caplan) in an interim application in the long-running Koza litigation concerning the control of the corporate claimant.
      • Pipia v BGEO
        Acted (led by Camilla Bingham KC) for a Georgian businessman in proceedings against the English branch of a Georgian financial institution.
      • Bilta (UK) Ltd (in liquidation) & Ors v SVS Securities Plc & Ors
        Assisted Laurence Emmett (during pupillage) in preparing a case for trial in the Commercial Court. This included analysing statements of case, attending meetings with witnesses (both factual and expert) and legal research on issues of accessory liability.
      • Assisted Laurence Emmett (during pupillage) in settling advice on limitation issues arising in a contractual debt claim.
      • Aapico Investment Pte Ltd v ABT Investments (India) Private Ltd
        Assisted Laurence Emmett (during pupillage) in opposing an application for an anti-suit injunction.
      • Kwok v UBS AG
        Assisted Sebastian Isaac (during pupillage) with advice and drafting Particulars of Claim in a high value claim against a bank in relation to its Hong Kong commercial banking operations.
      • Assisted Nicholas Sloboda (during pupillage) with settling the Defence to a breach of contract claim.
      • Crossley & Ors v Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft & Ors
        Assisted Nicholas Sloboda (during pupillage) with legal research on limitation issues in a dispute arising out of alleged deceit in the supply of motor vehicles.
      • Berkeley Square Holdings & Ors v Lancer Property Asset Management Ltd & Ors
        Assisted David Wolfson KC and Richard Mott (during pupillage) with legal research on the scope of the exceptions to without prejudice privilege.
      • Ocado Group Plc and Ocado Central Services Ltd v McKeeve
        Assisted Alexander Brown (during pupillage) with legal research on the granting of permission to bring contempt proceedings.
      • Settled (with Alexander Brown) the Defence in a contractual dispute arising in the technology sector.
    • Energy and Natural Resources

      • Municipio de Mariana & Ors v BHP Group (UK) Ltd (formerly BHP Group PLC) and BHP Group Ltd
        Acting (with Daniel Toledano KC, Shaheed Fatima KC, Victoria Windle KC, Nicholas Sloboda KC and others – instructed by Slaughter and May) for BHP in the high-profile group claim brought by c.700,000 claimants in relation to the collapse of the Fundão Dam in Brazil. The litigation has been repeatedly reported within The Lawyer’s Top 20 cases. The 12-week first instance (TCC) trial of Stage 1 of the proceedings concluded in March 2025. Judgment of Mrs Justice O’Farrell is pending. Jade also acted for BHP in its jurisdiction challenge before the Court of Appeal [2022] EWCA Civ 951.
      • LCIA Proceedings (2021)
        Acted for the claimant (with Charles Graham KC) in a dispute concerning a claim for breach of contract and duty of obligations to disclose information under a joint venture agreement with the Defendant’s European subsidiary company. The claim centred around the Claimant’s purchase of a multinational oil and gas exploration and production company for $5.5 billion, in circumstances where the Defendant was pursing an arbitration claim against the company in question for $8 billion.
    • Group Litigation

      • Municipio de Mariana & Ors v BHP Group (UK) Ltd (formerly BHP Group PLC) and BHP Group Ltd
        Acting (with Daniel Toledano KC, Shaheed Fatima KC, Victoria Windle KC, Nicholas Sloboda KC and others – instructed by Slaughter and May) for BHP in the high-profile group claim brought by c.700,000 claimants in relation to the collapse of the Fundão Dam in Brazil. The litigation has been repeatedly reported within The Lawyer’s Top 20 cases. The 12-week first instance (TCC) trial of Stage 1 of the proceedings concluded in March 2025. Judgment of Mrs Justice O’Farrell is pending. Jade also acted for BHP in its jurisdiction challenge before the Court of Appeal [2022] EWCA Civ 951. 
      • Surrey Searches Limited & Ors v Northumbrian Water Limited & Ors [2024] EWHC 1643 (Ch)
        Acted (with Edmund Nourse KC, James Nadin and others – instructed by Eversheds Sutherland) for several UK water companies in group litigation concerning claims by c.100,000 claimants for restitution of over £150m for fees paid to the water companies for environmental searches purchased over a period of many years. The Claimants alleged that the water companies were obliged, under the Environmental Information Regulations 2004, to provide information contained in the environmental searches for free. In June 2024, judgment was handed down in Stage 1 of the proceedings, with the Court finding for the Defendants on the vast majority of Stage 1 issues. The claims settled shortly thereafter.
    • Injunctions

      • Patel v Minerva Service Delaware, Inc and Ors
        Acted for the claimant (with Patrick Harty) in an application ofr an anti-suit injunction to restrain US arbitration proceedings.
      • Aapico Investment Pte Ltd v ABT Investments (India) Private Ltd
        Assisted Laurence Emmett (during pupillage) in opposing an application for an anti-suit injunction.
    • Insolvency

      • Successfully acted for a petitioner on a winding up petition.
    • Jurisdiction and Conflict of Laws

      • Municipio de Mariana & Ors v BHP Group (UK) Ltd (formerly BHP Group PLC) and BHP Group Ltd
        Acting (with Daniel Toledano KC, Shaheed Fatima KC, Victoria Windle KC, Nicholas Sloboda KC and others – instructed by Slaughter and May) for BHP in the high-profile group claim brought by c.700,000 claimants in relation to the collapse of the Fundão Dam in Brazil. The litigation has been repeatedly reported within The Lawyer’s Top 20 cases. The 12-week first instance (TCC) trial of Stage 1 of the proceedings concluded in March 2025. Judgment of Mrs Justice O’Farrell is pending. Jade also acted for BHP in its jurisdiction challenge before the Court of Appeal [2022] EWCA Civ 951.
  • What the Directories Say

    Chambers & Partners 2025 - “Jade is an excellent junior. She is hard-working, very bright and hugely insightful. One to watch, she's already developed a robust advocacy style.”

  • Education

    • BPTC LLM, City Law School (Distinction) [2018-2019]
    • University of Cambridge, BA Honours Law (First) [2014-2017]
  • Academic Achievements

    • Baron Dr Ver Heyden de Lancey Prize, Middle Temple [2019]
    • Scarman Scholarship, City Law School [2019]
    • Certificate of Honour, Middle Temple [2019]
    • Queen Mother’s Scholarship, Middle Temple [2018]
    • Jennings Prize for first class mark in both Part IB and Part II of the Law Tripos at Wolfson College, University of Cambridge [2016 and 2017]
    • Dato Ng Kong Yeam Prize for best first class mark in Part IA of the Law Tripos at Wolfson College, University of Cambridge [2015]


View all news featuring Jade Fowler

Judge rules for England’s Water Companies on Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (EIR)

On 28 June 2024, Richard Smith J handed down judgment following the Stage 1 trial in Surrey Searches Limited...

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FCA’s unreasonable conduct results in rare award of costs in Upper Tribunal

In a decision handed down on 9 November 2023, the Upper Tribunal made a costs award against the FCA, including...

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Upper Tribunal rejects lack of integrity case and comments on test for recklessness

Thomas Seiler, Louise Whitestone and Gustavo Raitzin v. Financial Conduct Authority [2023] UKUT 00133...

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