Henry Hoskins

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Henry Hoskins

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Henry Hoskins

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Henry Hoskins


Call 2013

Henry Hoskins is described in the 2024 edition of Chambers & Partners as “the ideal junior”. He frequently acts in major, high-value international disputes, both in litigation and arbitration. These span a wide spectrum of commercial practice, and many are within the energy or banking and finance sectors, often involving allegations of fraud or other wrongdoing. Henry also regularly appears as an advocate in his own right.

Henry’s recent cases, a number of which have been featured in The Lawyer’s “Top 20” disputes for the relevant year, include:

  • Fiesta Hotels and Resorts v Deutsche Bank [2024] EWHC 1422 Acted for Deutsche Bank (led by Sonia Tolaney KC and Alex Polley KC) resisting claims for c.€500 million for alleged misrepresentation relating to FX and interest rate derivatives.
  • LCIA arbitration (2024) Acting for the claimant (led by Mark Howard KC and Conall Patton KC) pursuing a claim for c.£1 billion relating to a hotel group.
  • SIAC arbitration (Singapore seat) (2018-2023) Acted in a US$ 5.5 billion SPA dispute (led by Laurence Rabinowitz KC and Daniel Toledano KC) between two energy majors, involving hearings in Singapore and London.
  • Federal Republic of Nigeria v Process & Industrial Developments [2023] EWHC 2638 (Comm) Acted for the defendant (led by Lord Wolfson KC and Alex Milner KC) seeking to resist a s.68 challenge to an LCIA award worth over US$ 10 billion.
  • 1Malaysia Development Berhad v International Petroleum Investment Company (2022-2023) Acted Abu Dhabi state owned investment funds (led by Laurence Rabinowitz KC and Craig Morrison KC), resisting a s.68 challenge regarding a multi-billion dollar LCIA arbitration award.
  • HMRC v IGE (2021-2022) Acted for General Electric group companies in a large-scale fraud claim by HMRC relating to a US$ multi-billion tax settlement (led by Laurence Rabinowitz KC, and Nicholas Sloboda KC).
  • Manning & Napier Fund Inc v Tesco Plc (2020) Acted for Tesco defending claims under Schedule 10A FSMA (led by Laurence Rabinowitz KC, Conall Patton KC and David Mumford KC).
  • Avonwick Holdings Ltd v Azitio Holdings Ltd and others [2020] EWHC 1844 (Comm) Instructed by the defendant to c.US$ 2 billion claims concerning the division of a portfolio of Ukrainian metallurgical businesses (led by Lord Wolfson KC and Sebastian Isaac KC).
  • Examples of Recent Cases

    • Commercial Litigation

      • Fiesta Hotels and Resorts v Deutsche Bank [2024] EWHC 1422
        Acted for the defendant (led by Sonia Tolaney KC and Alex Polley KC) resisting claims for c.€500 million for alleged misrepresentation relating to FX and interest rate derivative transactions. The claims were listed for a 10 week Commercial Court trial in January 2025 and settled in June 2024.
      • Federal Republic of Nigeria v Process & Industrial Developments [2023] EWHC 2638 (Comm)
        Acted in an eight week Commercial Court trial for a company seeking to enforce an LCIA arbitral award against Nigeria worth over $10 billion, and to oppose a challenge under s.68 of the Arbitration Act 1996 on the grounds of alleged fraud and bribery (with Lord Wolfson KC, Alexander Milner KC and Max Evans). Described by Bloomberg as “one of the world’s biggest lawsuits”, and one of The Lawyer’s Top 20 cases for 2023.
      • HMRC v IGE (2021-2022)
        Acted (with Laurence Rabinowitz KC, Nicholas Sloboda and others) for General Electric group companies in a large-scale fraud claim by HMRC relating to a US$ multi-billion tax settlement.
      • IsZo Capital LP v Nam Tai Property Inc (2020)
        Acted for the defendants (led by Lord Grabiner KC) in a two-week trial in the BVI, concerning a shareholder dispute as to whether the board of directors had acted for an improper purpose.
      • Manning & Napier Fund Inc. and others v Tesco Plc (2020)
        Acted with Laurence Rabinowitz QC, Conall Patton QC and Michael Watkins for Tesco plc in defending claims in the Financial List under Schedule 10A FSMA arising out of an historic profit overstatement. A recent interlocutory judgment is at [2020] EWHC 2106 (Ch). The proceedings settled shortly before trial.
      • McLaren Holdings Ltd v US Bank Trustees Ltd [2020] EWHC 1892 (Ch)
        Acted with David Wolfson QC for the defendant creditor in proceedings for an expedited trial under CPR Part 8, in which McLaren sought declarations that its proposed refinancing arrangements were permitted by the contractual documents governing a series of New York loan notes and a revolving credit facility. The Court made a direction for an expedited trial at [2020] EWHC 1892 (Ch), and the proceedings settled shortly before trial.
      • Avonwick Holdings Ltd v Azitio Holdings Ltd and others [2020] EWHC 1844 (Comm)
        With David Wolfson QC and Sebastian Isaac, successfully defended Mr Oleg Mkrtchan and others against claims for over US$2 billion following an eight-week Commercial Court trial before Picken J. The dispute concerned the division of a global portfolio of metallurgical businesses and other assets between three Ukrainian businessmen. It involved claims for fraudulent misrepresentation, breach of contract, dishonest assistance, knowing receipt and unjust enrichment. Mr Mkrtchan and others subsequently obtained a post-judgment worldwide freezing order in relation to an unpaid award of indemnity costs in their favour.
      • Macquarie Capital (Europe) Ltd v Nordsee Offshore MEG I GMBH [2019] (Comm) 
        Acting for the claimant (with Daniel Toledano QC and Nehali Shah) in a 7-day trial of a claim for payment of fees under an agreement for financial advisory work in relation to the construction of an off-shore windfarm.
      • Tsareva v Ananyev; Galagaev v Ananyev [2019] EWHC 2414 (Comm)
        Acted for the second defendant (with Neil Kitchener QC) in relation to a circa US$100 million claim for alleged fraudulent misrepresentation and conspiracy in connection with the sale of Loan Notes in Russia, in relation to applications for freezing injunctions.
      • Barclays Trust Company (Jersey) Ltd and others v Ernst & Young LLP [2016] EWHC 869 (Comm)
        Successfully defended EY (led by Daniel Toledano QC and Nehali Shah) in a four week Commercial Court trial of a professional negligence claim regarding financial and commercial due diligence carried out by EY relating to the acquisition of the Esporta health and leisure business.
      • Standard Bank Plc & Anor v Just Group LLC & Ors [2014] EWHC 2687 (Comm)
        Acted for JSC Ulaanbaatar Railways (led by Daniel Toledano QC), successfully contesting English jurisdiction before the Commercial Court a claim for US$33m brought by Standard Bank. The claim was for fraudulent conspiracy and breach of a fuel supply agreement, and the hearing before Walker J. involved several issues concerning conflict of laws and jurisdiction.
      • Gorgeous Beauty v Liu and others [2014] EWHC 2952 (Ch) 
        Acted for the defendants (led by Jamie Goldsmith) in four-week Chancery Division proceedings before Arnold J., involving a dispute between shareholders of a Taiwanese company. The case involved allegations of fraud and required cross-examination of foreign witnesses through a video-link and interpreter. It gave rise to various issues of English conflict of laws and Seychelles company law.
    • Arbitration

      • LCIA arbitration (2024)
        Acted for the claimant (with Mark Howard KC, Conall Patton KC and Joshua Crow) at a two-week hearing in April 2024 to determine a claim for c.£1 billion relating to a hotel group.
      • SIAC arbitration (Singapore seat) (2018-2023)
        Acted (with Laurence Rabinowitz KC and Daniel Toledano KC) in a US$5.5bn SPA dispute between two energy majors, involving significant hearings in both Singapore and London. 
      • ICC Proceedings
        Acted for the claimant (led by Charles Graham QC) in preparation for an ICC arbitration against a major aircraft manufacturer, involving a claim for payment under a contract for the supply of services and a defence alleging fraudulent conspiracy.
      • LCIA Proceedings
        Acted for the Respondent oil and gas major (led by Michael Watkins), defending a claim for approximately £40m for restitution of unjust enrichment relating to alleged overlifting of natural gas liquids.

      Instructed in numerous arbitration claims in the Commercial Court including: 

      • Federal Republic of Nigeria v Process & Industrial Developments [2023] EWHC 2638 (Comm)
        Acted in an eight week Commercial Court trial for a company seeking to enforce an LCIA arbitral award against Nigeria worth over $10 billion, and to oppose a challenge under s.68 of the Arbitration Act 1996 on the grounds of alleged fraud and bribery (with Lord Wolfson KC, Alexander Milner KC and Max Evans). Described by Bloomberg as “one of the world’s biggest lawsuits”, and one of The Lawyer’s Top 20 cases for 2023.
      • 1Malaysia Development Berhad v International Petroleum Investment Company (2022-2023)
        Acted for Abu Dhabi state owned investment funds IPIC and Aabar (with Laurence Rabinowitz KC, Craig Morrison KC and Nathaniel Bird), resisting a challenge under s.68 of the Arbitration Act 1996 to a multi-billion dollar LCIA arbitration award.
      • Hulley Enterprises Ltd v the Russian Federation [2021] EWHC 894 (Comm)
        Acted for the Russian Federation in resisting the enforcement of the US$50 billion Yukos award in the English Courts (with Laurence Rabinowitz KC, Christopher Harris KC and others).
      • Arbitration claim under s.44 (2021)
        Instructed as sole counsel advising in relation to a claim for an emergency injunction under Section 44 of the Arbitration Act 1996, in support of contemplated LCIA arbitration proceedings regarding a company law dispute.
    • Civil Fraud

      • Fiesta Hotels and Resorts v Deutsche Bank [2024] EWHC 1422
        Acted for the defendant (led by Sonia Tolaney KC and Alex Polley KC) resisting claims for c.€500 million for alleged misrepresentation relating to FX and interest rate derivative transactions. The claims were listed for a 10 week Commercial Court trial in January 2025 and settled in June 2024.
      • Federal Republic of Nigeria v Process & Industrial Developments [2023] EWHC 2638 (Comm)
        Acted in an eight week Commercial Court trial for a company seeking to enforce an LCIA arbitral award against Nigeria worth over $10 billion, and to oppose a challenge under s.68 of the Arbitration Act 1996 on the grounds of alleged fraud and bribery (with Lord Wolfson KC, Alexander Milner KC and Max Evans). Described by Bloomberg as “one of the world’s biggest lawsuits”, and one of The Lawyer’s Top 20 cases for 2023.
      • 1Malaysia Development Berhad v International Petroleum Investment Company (2022-2023)
        Acted for Abu Dhabi state owned investment funds IPIC and Aabar (with Laurence Rabinowitz KC, Craig Morrison KC and Nathaniel Bird), resisting a challenge under s.68 of the Arbitration Act 1996 to a multi-billion dollar LCIA arbitration award.
      • HMRC v IGE (2021-2022)
        Acted (with Laurence Rabinowitz KC, Nicholas Sloboda and others) for General Electric group companies in a large-scale fraud claim by HMRC relating to a US$ multi-billion tax settlement.
      • Manning & Napier Fund Inc. and others v Tesco Plc (2020)
        Acted with Laurence Rabinowitz QC, Conall Patton QC and Michael Watkins for Tesco plc in defending claims in the Financial List under Schedule 10A FSMA arising out of an historic profit overstatement. A recent interlocutory judgment is at [2020] EWHC 2106 (Ch). The proceedings settled shortly before trial.
      • Avonwick Holdings Ltd v Azitio Holdings Ltd and others [2020] EWHC 1844 (Comm) 
        With David Wolfson QC and Sebastian Isaac, successfully defended Mr Oleg Mkrtchan and others against claims for over US$2 billion following an eight-week Commercial Court trial before Picken J. The dispute concerned the division of a global portfolio of metallurgical businesses and other assets between three Ukrainian businessmen. It involved claims for fraudulent misrepresentation, breach of contract, dishonest assistance, knowing receipt and unjust enrichment. Mr Mkrtchan and others subsequently obtained a post-judgment worldwide freezing order in relation to an unpaid award of indemnity costs in their favour.
      • Tsareva v Ananyev; Galagaev v Ananyev [2019] EWHC 2414 (Comm)
        Acting for the second defendant (with Neil Kitchener QC) in relation to a circa US$100 million claim for alleged fraudulent misrepresentation and conspiracy in connection with the sale of Loan Notes in Russia, in relation to applications for freezing injunctions.
      • SIAC arbitration (Singapore seat) (2018-2023)
        Acted (with Laurence Rabinowitz KC and Daniel Toledano KC) in a US$5.5bn SPA dispute between two energy majors, involving significant hearings in both Singapore and London.
      • Bilta v Deutsche Bank [2017] EWHC 135 (Ch)
        Acted (with Daniel Toledano KC and Nicholas Sloboda) for Deutsche Bank in proceedings related to alleged VAT fraud in the carbon emissions trading market
      • Gorgeous Beauty v. Liu & Ors [2014] EWHC 2952 (Ch) 
        Acted for the defendants (led by Jamie Goldsmith) in four-week Chancery Division proceedings before Arnold J., involving a dispute between shareholders of a Taiwanese company. The case involved allegations of fraud and required cross-examination of foreign witnesses through a video-link and interpreter. It gave rise to various issues of English conflict of laws and Seychelles company law.
      • ICC Proceedings (2014)
        Acted for the claimant (led by Charles Graham QC) in preparation for an ICC arbitration against a major aircraft manufacturer, involving a claim for payment under a contract for the supply of services and a defence alleging fraudulent conspiracy.
    • Energy and Natural Resources

      • SIAC arbitration (Singapore seat) (2018-2023)
        Acted (with Laurence Rabinowitz KC and Daniel Toledano KC) in a US$5.5bn SPA dispute between two energy majors, involving significant hearings in both Singapore and London.
      • Avonwick Holdings Ltd v Azitio Holdings Ltd and others [2020] EWHC 1844 (Comm)
        With David Wolfson QC and Sebastian Isaac, successfully defended Mr Oleg Mkrtchan and others against claims for over US$2 billion following an eight-week Commercial Court trial before Picken J. The dispute concerned the division of a global portfolio of metallurgical businesses and other assets between three Ukrainian businessmen. It involved claims for fraudulent misrepresentation, breach of contract, dishonest assistance, knowing receipt and unjust enrichment. Mr Mkrtchan and others subsequently obtained a post-judgment worldwide freezing order in relation to an unpaid award of indemnity costs in their favour.
      • Macquarie Capital (Europe) Ltd v Nordsee Offshore MEG I GMBH [2019] (Comm)
        Acted for the claimant (with Daniel Toledano QC and Nehali Shah) in a 7-day trial of a claim for payment of fees under an agreement for financial advisory work in relation to the construction of an off-shore windfarm.
      • Standard Bank Plc & Anor v Just Group LLC & Ors [2014] EWHC 2687 (Comm)
        Acted for JSC Ulaanbaatar Railways (led by Daniel Toledano QC), successfully contesting English jurisdiction before the Commercial Court a claim for US$33m brought by Standard Bank. The claim was for fraudulent conspiracy and breach of a fuel supply agreement, and the hearing before Walker J. involved several issues concerning conflict of laws and jurisdiction.
      • LCIA Proceedings
        Acted for the Respondent oil and gas major (led by Michael Watkins), defending a claim for approximately £40m for restitution of unjust enrichment relating to alleged overlifting of natural gas liquids.
    • Banking and Financial Services

      • Fiesta Hotels and Resorts v Deutsche Bank [2024] EWHC 1422
        Acted for the defendant (led by Sonia Tolaney KC and Alex Polley KC) resisting claims for c.€500 million for alleged misrepresentation relating to FX and interest rate derivative transactions. The claims were listed for a 10 week Commercial Court trial in January 2025 and settled in June 2024.
      • Italian swaps litigation (2022)
        Acted for a major bank (led by Sonia Tolaney KC and James MacDonald KC) in relation to a number of separate proceedings against Italian regional authorities regarding interest rate derivative transactions.
      • McLaren Holdings Ltd v US Bank Trustees Ltd [2020] EWHC 1892 (Ch)
        Acted with David Wolfson QC for the defendant creditor in proceedings for an expedited trial under CPR Part 8, in which McLaren sought declarations that its proposed refinancing arrangements were permitted by the contractual documents governing a series of New York loan notes and a revolving credit facility. The Court made a direction for an expedited trial at [2020] EWHC 1892 (Ch), and the proceedings settled shortly before trial.
      • Macquarie Capital (Europe) Ltd v Nordsee Offshore MEG I GMBH [2019] (Comm)
        Acting for the claimant (with Daniel Toledano KC and Nehali Shah) in a 7-day trial of a claim for payment of fees under an agreement for financial advisory work in relation to the construction of an off-shore windfarm.
      • Tsareva v Ananyev; Galagaev v Ananyev [2019] EWHC 2414 (Comm)
        Acting for the second defendant (with Neil Kitchener KC) in relation to a circa US$100 million claim for alleged fraudulent misrepresentation and conspiracy in connection with the sale of Loan Notes in Russia, in relation to applications for freezing injunctions.
      • Morgan Stanley v Land Salzburg (2014)
        Acting for Morgan Stanley (with Daniel Toledano KC and Sandy Phipps) seeking declarations of non-liability in relation to claims by Land Salzburg for damages for misrepresentation or alternatively restitution of some €200m paid under swaps and other financial transactions which Land Salzburg contends are invalid due to lack of capacity or authority. Besides questions of jurisdiction and choice of law, the claim involves issues of contractual estoppel.
      • Bilta v Deutsche Bank [2017] EWHC 135 (Ch)
        Acting for a bank (led by Daniel Toledano KC and Nicholas Sloboda) defending claims for dishonest assistance and fraudulent trading under s 213 of the Insolvency Act 1980, regarding alleged carousel fraud involving VAT payable on trades of carbon credits.
      • Barclays Trust Company (Jersey) Ltd and others v Ernst & Young LLP [2016] EWHC 869 (Comm)
        Successfully defended EY (led by Daniel Toledano KC and Nehali Shah) in a four week Commercial Court trial of a professional negligence claim regarding financial and commercial due diligence carried out by EY relating to the acquisition of the Esporta health and leisure business.
    • Injunctions & Jurisdiction Challenges

      • Emergency injunction in aid of arbitration (2021)
        Instructed as sole counsel advising in relation to a claim for an emergency injunction under Section 44 of the Arbitration Act 1996, in support of contemplated LCIA arbitration proceedings regarding a company law dispute.
      • Avonwick Holdings Ltd v Azitio Holdings Ltd and others [2020] EWHC 1844 (Comm)
        Acted with David Wolfson QC, obtaining a post-judgment worldwide freezing order for £20 million in relation to an unpaid award of indemnity costs in favour of their clients.
      • Tsareva v Ananyev; Galagaev v Ananyev [2019] EWHC 2414 (Comm)
        Acted for the second defendant (with Neil Kitchener QC) in relation to a circa US$100 million claim for alleged fraudulent misrepresentation and conspiracy in connection with the sale of Loan Notes in Russia, in relation to applications for freezing injunctions.
      • Advice on jurisdiction relating to ISDA Master Agreement (2015-2021)
        Instructed numerous times to advise banks in relation to jurisdictional issues regarding disputes concerning derivatives transactions entered into pursuant to an ISDA Master Agreement. 
      • Emergency injunction (2015)
        Appeared as sole counsel for the Post Office in the High Court to obtain an emergency injunction to stay the enforcement of a writ of execution.
      • Standard Bank Plc v Just Group LLC & Others [2014] EWHC 2687 (Comm)
        Acted for the Russian-owned seventh defendant (with Daniel Toledano QC) in contesting English jurisdiction in a claim for fraudulent conspiracy relating to a fuel supply agreement.
      • Signature Global Ltd v Al Showai (2014)
        Appeared as sole counsel in the High Court to obtain interim orders for the preservation, delivery up, and provision of further information in respect of a Lamborghini Aventador and several other luxury cars.
    • Advocacy and instructions as sole counsel

      • Power Electrics Ltd v Fawsitt Holden Energy Ltd (2020)
        Acted as sole counsel for the defendant and counterclaimant, involving claims for breach of contract and unjust enrichment concerning the manufacture and supply of generators of renewable electricity. Following a series of contested interlocutory applications, the claims settled.
      • Avonwick Holdings Ltd v Azitio Holdings Ltd and others [2020] EWHC 1844 (Comm)
        Made oral submissions on procedural matters at a number of interim and consequentials hearings (while led by Lord Wolfson KC and Sebastian Isaac).
      • Oghoro v Sanomi and others [2016] EWHC 2148 (QB)
        Appeared as sole counsel to successfully strike out a claim for some £30m regarding alleged agreements to transfer shares in Taleveras Group (a Nigerian oil and gas group) and to share its profits. The claim was struck out on the grounds that it was a collateral attack on ongoing proceedings in Nigeria and therefore an abuse of process, Nigeria was the forum conveniens for the claim, and in any event the particulars disclosed no reasonable grounds for bringing the claim.
      • Flyington Freighters v Airbus (2015)
        Appeared as sole counsel (against Sonia Tolaney KC) in the Commercial Court for Flyington Freighters Ltd in an application for security for costs, relating to its claim against Airbus for misrepresentation and for breach of an agreement for the sale of twelve freighter aircraft. 
      • Post Office (2014)
        Appeared as sole counsel for the Post Office to make an emergency interim application in the High Court to stay the enforcement of a writ of execution. 
      • Signature Global Ltd v Al Showai (2014)
        Appeared as sole counsel in the High Court to obtain interim orders for the preservation, delivery up, and provision of further information in respect of a Lamborghini Aventador and several other luxury cars.
      • Mainline Digital Communications Ltd v Chaddah [2015] EWHC 1580 (QB)
        Acted as sole counsel for the defendant and counter-claimant in a three day trial in the High Court which concerned the supply of marketing services to a telecommunications company, and included issues of contract, restitution of unjust enrichment, and the Commercial Agents Regulations 2003.
    • Group Actions

      • Manning & Napier Fund Inc. and others v Tesco Plc (2020)
        Acted with Laurence Rabinowitz QC, Conall Patton QC and Michael Watkins for Tesco plc in defending claims in the Financial List under Schedule 10A FSMA arising out of an historic profit overstatement. A recent interlocutory judgment is at [2020] EWHC 2106 (Ch). The proceedings settled shortly before trial.
      • Acted for several hundred claimants (led by Laurence Rabinowitz QC) in a group action against Royal Mail involving claims for breach of statutory duty, breach of EU law, and restitution of unjust enrichment, concerning the VAT treatment of postal services supplied by Royal Mail from 1973 up to the present day.
      • Acted for a number of the defendants (led by David Cavender QC and Edmund Nourse QC) in a group action brought by several hundred claimants regarding alleged blacklisting of workers in the construction industry.
  • What the Directories Say

    Chambers & Partners 2025 (Commercial Dispute Resolution) “A barrister who works incredibly quickly, he is very good at drafting on the fly and coming up with solutions under pressure.” 

    “The consummate collaborator and extremely strong intellectually, he engages fully and creatively with all aspects of the case.”

     “Henry is super-responsive and a joy to work with; he really makes himself part of the team. He liaises with all levels of the group and is very communicative. His drafting is also excellent.”

    Chambers & Partners 2025 (Fraud: Civil) “Henry is super intelligent, easy to work with and very commercially minded. He is a pleasure to work with.” 

    “Henry's drafting is confident and he is very efficient as well as incredibly easy to work with.” 

    “Henry is a great junior - he is very friendly and responsive, as well as intelligent, detail-oriented and clear.”

    Legal 500 2025 (Commercial Litigation) “Very clever and responsive. Very clear and persuasive drafting style of pleadings and other documents.”

    Legal 500 2025 (Fraud: Civil) Henry is a very measured and persuasive advocate with first rate judgement.”

    Legal 500 2025 (International Arbitration: Counsel) 

    Chambers & Partners 2024 (Commercial Dispute Resolution) ""Henry Hoskins is the ideal junior. His analysis is impeccably thorough, he's a man with excellent judgement and his submissions read beautifully."

  • Academic Achievements

    Regularly contributes to the Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Finance Law
    Author of "Contractual Obligations to Negotiate in Good Faith: Faithfulness to the Agreed Common Purpose" (2014) 130(1) Law Quarterly Review 131
    Visiting Lecturer in Tort Law and the Law of Unjust Enrichment, King’s College London [2012 - 2013] 
    Wronker Proxime Accessit Prize for the second best overall performance in Law, University of Oxford [2011] 
    Gibbs Prize for outstanding performance in Private Law, University of Oxford [2011] 
    Davies Prize for the best performing undergraduate student, Jesus College, University of Oxford [2011] 
    Nicholas Tarling Scholarship for academic achievement, Jesus College, University of Oxford [2009] 
    Lawrence Scholarship for academic achievement, Jesus College, University of Oxford [2009]
    Second Year Law Prize, Jesus College, University of Oxford [2009] 
    First Year Law Prize, Jesus College, University of Oxford [2008]

  • Languages

    French (conversational)


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