Hannah Glover

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Hannah Glover


Call 2013

Hannah is ranked by the directories as a leading junior in Commercial Litigation, Banking & Finance and Fraud (Chambers & Partners, Legal 500 2025). She also has a specialist practice in gambling disputes (Chambers & Partners, Band 1). She has previously been named for two years running as one of the Legal 500’s Top Ten commercial juniors under 8 years’ call, which described her as a “star of the future, skilled far beyond her years of call.”

Hannah is regularly instructed in major and complex litigation and arbitration. In addition to her core specialisms in commercial and banking disputes, Hannah has a particular interest in civil fraud, securities litigation, and energy and natural resources. She is recognised as being “Meticulous, pragmatic and extremely capable” (Legal 500, 2024) and “excellent; she is very detailed, very considered and someone who gives clear advice” (Chambers & Partners, 2024).

Hannah is also recognised as a leading junior in gambling disputes. The directories (Chambers & Partners, 2024) describe her as a “standout performer in this field” who “thinks tactically within a case and strategically in relation to wider commercial and sector-specific issues."

Her current and recent instructions include:

  • SKAT v Solo Capital Partners (2024), a £1.5bn fraud claim brought by the Danish tax authorities, one of The Lawyer’s Top 20 cases of 2024;
  • European Union v Syrian Arab Republic (2023), successfully acting for the European Union and European Investment Bank to recover €130m outstanding from Syria under development loans;
  • Henderson & Jones v Ross (2023), successfully defending Barclays Bank plc in a £45m dishonesty and conspiracy claim.

She has consistently been instructed in market-leading disputes, including previously in the Phones 4U dispute (listed in The Lawyer’s Top 20 cases of 2022); Vannin v RBOS Shareholders Action Group Limited (listed in The Lawyer’s Top 20 cases of 2020); the RBS Rights Issue Litigation (listed in The Lawyer’s Top 20 cases of 2017), the Retailers v MasterCard litigation (listed in The Lawyer’s Top 20 cases of 2016).

Hannah also has experience of substantial international arbitration under the major sets of arbitration rules, and regularly acts in related applications before the High Court under the Arbitration Act 1996 and on urgent applications for anti-suit injunctive relief.

In addition to acting as a junior in major and complex matters, Hannah has substantial experience of appearing as sole counsel at every stage from interlocutory disputes through to trial (and on appeal, including appearing as sole counsel in the Court of Appeal). She is said by the directories to be "authoritative and has a commanding presence" in Court and is "robust in dealing with difficult opposition" (Chambers & Partners, 2022).

Before coming to the Bar, Hannah studied law at the University of Oxford (BA, BCL and MPhil) and at Harvard Law School (LLM), where she was a Kennedy Scholar.

  • Examples of Recent Cases

    • Banking and Finance

      Hannah is ranked as a leading junior in Banking & Finance by both of the leading directories (Band 2, Legal 500 and Band 4, Chambers & Partners). The directories describe Hannah as “Meticulous, pragmatic and extremely capable” (Legal 500, 2024) and “a confident and clear advocate. Her legal drafting is first class. She is a stand out all-round barrister and a pleasure to work with.” (Legal 500, 2022)

      She has extensive experience of banking litigation at all levels. Hannah’s current and recent instructions include:

      • Various Investors v Tesco Plc (Commercial Court): acting for a large group of institutional investors against Tesco in a very substantial claim under s90A FSMA 2000 (recently settled), led by Adam Kramer KC.
      • Seaton v Sagicor Bank of Jamaica (Privy Council): successfully acting for a leading Jamaican businessman recovering losses caused by the unlawful freezing of banking facilities in Jamaica, led by Richard Salter KC.
      • Proventus Capital Partners v Eyre (Commercial Court): acting for the claimant lenders to recover $18m under a series of loan agreements and associated guarantees in the aviation sector.
      • Advising on a £450m deceit claim in the banking and financial services sector.
      • Manx Capital Partners v Scottish Widows Unit Trust Managers Ltd (Chancery Division): acting for the claimant in proceedings to recover sums due to the Signature Litigation claimant group in the RBS Rights Issue Litigation from former members of that group, led by Ben Valentin QC and Daniel Saoul QC.
      • The European Union and the European Investment Bank v The Syrian Arab Republic (Commercial Court): acting for the claimants in a claim for €158 million owed by Syria under a series of international loan agreements, led by Adrian Beltrami QC: [2018] EWHC 1712 (Comm). The prior decision in [2018] EWHC 181 (Comm) is a leading decision on the service of proceedings on a sovereign state.
      • The RBS Rights Issue Litigation (Chancery Division): acted for the Signature Litigation claimant group in proceedings under s90 FSMA arising from the 2008 RBS Rights Issue, as part of a counsel team led by Jonathan Nash QC, including appearing in [2017] 1 WLR 1991, one of the leading authorities on the scope of legal advice privilege.
      • Phillite D UK Ltd v EComm Merchant Solutions Ltd (Chancery Division): acting for the defendant payment processing companies in a dispute concerning sums held pursuant to a merchant services agreement, led by Jonathan Davies-Jones QC.
      • Arcadia v MasterCard (Commercial Court): representing a consortium of leading retailers claiming over £400 million for unlawful payment card charges, as part of a team led by Paul Lowenstein QC: [2017] EWHC 93 (Comm). Similar proceedings against Visa were settled following an eight week trial in the Commercial Court.
      • McGraw-Hill International v Deutsche Apotheker-und Artzebank AG (Commercial Court): acted for the ratings agency Standard & Poor’s in high profile proceedings regarding the scope of the agency’s duty when rating financial products, as part of a team led by Sonia Tolaney QC.
      • Bank & Clients Plc v King (Commercial Court): acting for the successful claimant in a multi-million pound claim on two commercial guarantees together with a post-judgment worldwide freezing order, led by Tom Sprange QC: [2017] EWHC 3099 (Comm).
    • Commercial Disputes

      Commercial litigation is the cornerstone of Hannah’s practice. She is ranked as a leading junior in this field by both Chambers & Partners (“excellent; she is very detailed, very considered and someone who gives clear advice”) and Legal 500 (“Hannah is excellent. Extremely responsive, pragmatic, and all over the detail.’). Her recent work includes:

      • Phones 4U v EE and others (Chancery Division): Hannah acted for Vodafone in this £1bn collusion claim tried in summer 2022 (led by Ewan McQuater KC, Rob Williams KC, Adam Kramer KC). One of The Lawyer’s Top 20 Claims for 2022.
      • Various Investors v Tesco Plc (Commercial Court): acting for a large group of institutional investors against Tesco in a securities claim under s90A FSMA 2000 (recently settled), led by Adam Kramer KC.
      • Vannin Capital PCC v RBOS Shareholders Action Group Ltd (Chancery Division): acting for the claimants in the RBS Rights Issue Litigation to resist a £14.75m claim brought by the well-known litigation funder, led by Ben Valentin QC. Summary judgment was successfully resisted at [2018] EWHC 2821 (Ch).
      • Evans v Muxworthy (Commercial Court): acting for the third defendant in a commercial property dispute, resisting claims of dishonest assistance, unconscionable receipt and conspiracy, led by Nicholas Craig QC.
      • Woodward v Phoenix Healthcare Distribution Ltd (Chancery Division, Court of Appeal): acting for the defendant in a multi-million pound dispute involving the sale and distribution of pharmaceuticals, led by Andrew Onslow QC. The decision in [2018] EWHC 2152 (Ch) is an important authority on the retrospective validation of service of claim form under CPR 6.15(2).
      • Bubbles & Wine Ltd v Lusha (Court of Appeal): acting as sole counsel for the successful respondent in the Court of Appeal on a point of apparent bias: [2018] EWCA Civ 468. Hannah also successfully acted in the first appeal on the same point.
      • Bank of Cyprus v Sofroniou (Queen’s Bench Division): acting as sole counsel for the defendants. Successfully applied to stay the registration of a €1 million judgment of the Cypriot Court pending appeal to the Supreme Court of Cyprus.
      • Briton Ferry Stevedoring v Sims (Commercial Court): acting for the claimant in a dispute concerning a metal processing plant (led by Nicholas Craig QC).
      • BPC Hotels Ltd v Wright Hassall LLP (Technology and Construction Court): represented the successful defendants in a dispute concerning a luxury hotel development project, led by Andrew Onslow QC: [2016] EWHC 1286 (TCC).
      • Manchester Airport Plc v Ten Group (Commercial Court): acted for the defendant company in a multi-million pound commercial guarantee dispute, led by Jonathan Davies-Jones QC.
    • Fraud and Asset Tracing

      Civil fraud is one of Hannah’s principal areas of practice. She is currently instructed for a defendant group in SKAT v Solo Capital Partners, a major £1.5bn fraud claim brought by the Danish tax authorities. The claim is listed in The Lawyer’s Top 20 cases of 2024 and thought to be the longest trial ever heard in the Commercial Court.

      Hannah regularly acts or advises on matters involving allegations of deceit, dishonest assistance and conspiracy, together with related applications for freezing orders and Norwich Pharmacal relief. Current and recent highlights include:

      • Gordian Holdings v Sofroniou (Commercial Court): sole counsel for the defendants in a claim by a Cypriot finance company, involving allegations of a sham trust and transactions defrauding creditors.
      • Advising on a £450m deceit claim in the banking and financial services sector.
      • Evans v Muxworthy (Commercial Court): acting for the third defendant in a commercial property dispute, resisting claims of dishonest assistance, unconscionable receipt and conspiracy, led by Nicholas Craig QC.
      • Dhir v Flutter Entertainment Plc (Queen’s Bench Division): acting for the parent company of the Paddy Power Betfair brands in proceedings alleging dishonest assistance, unconscionable receipt and unjust enrichment of funds staked as bets.
      • Henderson & Jones Ltd v Ross and others (Chancery Division): acting for Barclays Bank Plc in a £35m claim including allegations of conspiracy and dishonest assistance, led by Adam Kramer.
      • Phillite D UK Ltd v EComm Merchant Solutions Ltd (Chancery Division): acting for the defendant payment processing companies in a dispute concerning payment services alleged to have been obtained by fraud, led by Jonathan Davies-Jones QC.
      • Bank & Clients Plc v King (Commercial Court): acting for the successful claimant in a £multi-million claim to obtain post-judgment worldwide freezing relief, led by Tom Sprange QC: [2017] EWHC 3099 (Comm).
    • Gambling Disputes

      Hannah is recognised as a leading junior in gambling disputes (Chambers & Partners, Band 1), where she is described as a “standout performer in this field” who “thinks tactically within a case and strategically in relation to wider commercial and sector-specific issues.” She is recognised in Chambers & Partners as “able to understand the financial and commercial objectives of clients” and her “advice is always concise and her technical ability is excellent.”

      Hannah regularly advises and acts on behalf of the leading operators in the UK market in a range of claims, including contractual and tortious claims, claims based on dishonesty and receipt of trust property, and in respect of statutory obligations under the Gambling Act 2005).

      Hannah’s current and recent instructions in this field include:

      • Allan v Ladbrokes Coral Group Limited (Queen’s Bench Division): acting for the defendant in this well-publicised claim by a former customer to recover sums exceeding £3m alleged to have been staked with Ladbrokes in breach of Spanish law, led by Jonathan Davies-Jones QC.
      • Smith v William Hill (Chancery Division): acting for the defendant in a £1m claim brought on behalf of a former customer to recover winnings.
      • Gladstone v bet365, Paddy Power (London Circuit Commercial Court): acting for both bet365 and Paddy Power in proceedings brought by a former customer alleging breach of contract and breach of statutory duty.
      • Dhir v Flutter Entertainment Plc (Queen’s Bench Division): successfully acting for the defendant Flutter Entertainment Plc (the parent company of the Paddy Power Betfair brands) in proceedings alleging dishonest assistance, unconscionable receipt and unjust enrichment of funds staked as bets. Led by Ian Mill QC. Judgment at [2021] EWHC 1510 (QB).
    • Professional Negligence

      Hannah has significant experience of dealing with professional negligence matters, often as part of a larger counsel team. She has also advised confidentially on a number of matters as sole counsel. Recent instructions include:

      • Briton Ferry Stevedoring v Hugh Sims LLP (Queen’s Bench Division): represented the claimant company in a professional negligence action against its former solicitors, led by Nicholas Craig QC. The case settled on confidential terms before trial.
      • BPC Hotels Ltd v Wright Hassall LLP [2016] EWHC 1286 (TCC): successfully striking out a substantial professional negligence claim against the second defendant barrister, led by Andrew Onslow QC.
    • Shipping

      An increasing amount of Hannah’s work concerns shipping disputes or injunctions in the shipping sector. Recently reported decisions include:

      • Times Trading Corp v National Bank of Fujairah (Commercial Court): acting for the applicant seeking anti-suit relief to restrain proceedings brought in Singapore in breach of an arbitration clause, led by David Lewis QC: [2020] EWHC 1078 (Comm).
      • National Bank of Fujairah v Times Trading Corp (Commercial Court): acting for the defendant resisting an application under s12 Arbitration Act 1996, led by David Lewis QC: [2020] EWHC 1983 (Comm).
  • What the Directories Say

    Both we and the clients love working with Hannah. She is thoughtful, decisive and a brilliant team player.
    - Chambers & Partners UK Bar (2025)

    Her analysis is outstanding. She's also a great advocate, with the ability to surgically cut through the other side's obfuscation."
    - Chambers & Partners UK Bar (2025)

    If we had a dispute she would be my go-to; we fully trust her.
    - Chambers & Partners UK Bar (2025)

    A star of the future. Hannah's legal ability goes without saying, but her ability to assimilate a case is second to none. A thoroughly excellent team player.
    - Chambers & Partners UK Bar (2025)

    "Hannah is a very thorough, careful and adaptable lawyer who is never going to do anything other than her best. She is a go-to person for us.
    - Chambers & Partners UK Bar (2025)

  • Memberships

    • COMBAR
    • Junior COMBAR
    • Chancery Bar Association
  • Awards

    • Kennedy Memorial Scholarship, Kennedy Memorial Trust (for the LLM at Harvard Law School)
    • Barnett Bequest BCL Scholarship, University of Oxford (for an outstanding student of the BCL)
    • Final Honour Schools Prize (for First Class Honours), Merton College, Oxford
    • Princess Royal Scholarship, Inner Temple
    • Sir Joseph Priestly Scholarship, Inner Temple


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One Essex Court is delighted to announce that Hannah Glover has joined chambers. Hannah has...

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