Daniel Hubbard

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Daniel Hubbard


Call 2003

Described as “a tremendous advocate, analytically astute and tenacious in his advocacy, incredibly hard working and user-friendly” (Legal 500 2021), Daniel Hubbard has been named as a leading junior in the legal directories since 2012.  He practices across the broad range of commercial law, with an emphasis on energy related disputes, and is “as much at home handling commercial litigation as he is tackling arbitration” (Chambers UK 2017).  

Daniel prides himself on being down-to-earth, accessible, and utterly committed.  Battle-hardened, he has had considerable courtroom experience.  Boasting experience across the full spectrum of commercial disputes, he has acted in multiple complex and high value cases, particularly in the energy sector, in which he has appeared in several of the highest value disputes of the last 10 years.

Areas of Expertise – Some Highlights

The cases below represent some of the more important matters that Daniel has acted in.  A fuller description, by reference to individual practice areas, can be found by clicking on the “view full CV” tab above.

  • Daniel has recently been instructed in a high value dispute between parties to a joint operating agreement concerning oil fields in the UK Continental Shelf.

  • Daniel is currently acting, with Alison Macdonald QC, for the claimant in a substantial Bilateral Investment Treaty arbitration concerning mining operations in the Balkans.

  • Daniel recently appeared as sole counsel for the claimant in a 2 week Commercial Court trial about breach of a joint venture agreement relating to property developments. See [2021] EWHC 2662 (Comm) (trial); and [2021] 7 WLUK 194 (application to adjourn trial on ground of ill-health of a witness).

  • Between 2019 and 2021 Daniel acted for the claimant, both with a leader and subsequently as sole counsel (against a QC and junior team), in proceedings in the Chancery Division arising out of the acquisition by the Advinia Health Care Group of a large part of the care homes business formerly owned by the Bupa Group.  Daniel appeared in a number of interlocutory hearings as sole counsel (see for example [2020] EWHC 3607 (Ch)).

  • In 2020/21 Daniel acted, with Claire Blanchard QC, for the Respondent in 2 related ad hoc arbitrations concerning substantial claims for breach of long term gas supply agreements.

  • In 2019 Daniel  appeared as sole counsel for the claimant (against a QC and junior team) in a 3 week confidential arbitral hearing concerning multi-million dollar claims between shareholders in an international foundry business. 

  • In 2017/18 Daniel acted, with Lord Falconer QC, for the claimant in a multi-billion dollar confidential arbitration about alleged breach of a joint venture agreement for the development of extensive oil and gas assets. 

  • In 2017/18 Daniel acted, with Richard Gillis QC, for the claimant in a dispute involving a number of major financial institutions about US$800 million advanced under an Islamic financing agreement.  See Dana Gas PJSC v Dana Gas Sukuk Ltd, and others [2018] EWHC 278 (Comm); [2018] EWHC 277 (Comm).

  • Between 2013 and 2017 Daniel acted, with Constantine Partisides QC, for the claimant in a complex and long-running confidential arbitration against a host government, in a claim for damages for preventing the development of two extensive oil and gas fields. 

  • Between 2010 and 2015 Daniel acted, with Gordon Pollock QC (liability phase) and Claire Blanchard QC (quantum phase), for the claimant in a multi-stage and multi-billion dollar confidential arbitration arising out of a farm-out of an interest in two giant oil and gas fields in the Middle East. 

  • Odyssey Entertainment Ltd (In Liquidation) v Kamp [2012] EWHC 2316 (Ch) 
    Acting as sole counsel for the claimant in a claim for breach of fiduciary duty in the context of a film production and distribution business.

  • Venture North Sea Gas Ltd v Nuon Exploration & Production UK Ltd [2010] EWHC 204 (Comm)
    Acting, with Andrew Lenon QC, for the claimant in a claim for specific performance of an SPA concerning interests in gas fields and exploration blocks in the North Sea. 

  • Re: Lehman Brothers International (Europe) (In Administration) [2009] EWHC 3228 (Ch)
    Acting as sole counsel for one of a number of respondents in a significant case about how client assets were, in light of the administration of Lehman Brothers, to be treated and distributed in accordance with FSA client money rules.

  • British Sky Broadcasting Ltd v Thomson Broadband Ltd (Comm)
    Acting, with John McCaughran QC, for the claimant in a multi-million pound claim under the Sale of Goods Act 1979 for damages for the manufacture of defective set-top boxes.
  • Examples of Recent Cases

    • Arbitration

      Daniel has extensive experience of and expertise in arbitration, having acted in a succession of complex, extremely high value arbitral disputes.  He is listed by both Chambers UK and Legal 500 as a leading junior in the field of international arbitration.  

      • UNCITRAL BIT Arbitration
        Currently acting, with Alison Macdonald QC, for the Claimant in a claim for US$225m arising out of breach of a bilateral investment treaty in the context of mining operations in North Macedonia. The Tribunal is chaired by Lucy Reed (sitting alongside Yves Fortier QC and Prof. Brigitte Stern)
      • Confidential ad hoc Arbitrations
        Acting, with Claire Blanchard QC, for the Respondent to two substantial claims (one for US$181m and the other for US $63m) arising out of the alleged breach of long term gas supply agreements. The Tribunal in the first arbitration was chaired by Lord Phillips (sitting alongside Dame Elizabeth Gloster and William Rowley QC) and the Tribunal in the second arbitration was chaired by Sir Rupert Jackson (sitting alongside Sir David Steel and William Rowley QC). Both disputes settled in 2021.
      • Confidential ICC Arbitration
        Appearing in the Commercial Court for the defendant to an arbitration claim in an application to set aside an order of the court giving leave to enforce an arbitral award (2021).
      • Confidential LCIA Arbitration
        Appearing as sole counsel for the claimant (against a QC and junior team) in a multi-million dollar dispute between shareholders in an international foundry business.  The Tribunal was chaired by Sir Stanley Burnton (sitting alongside Christopher Newmark and Patricia Peterson) and a final hearing took place in June and July 2019.
      • Confidential LCIA Arbitration
        Acting, with Lord Falconer QC, for the claimant in a multi-billion dollar dispute about alleged breach of a joint venture agreement for the development of extensive oil and gas assets.  The Tribunal was chaired by Michael Collins (sitting alongside Sir Christopher Clarke and William Rowley QC) and issued a final award in early 2019, following a substantive hearing in November and December 2018.
      • Confidential LCIA Arbitration
        Between 2013 and 2017 Daniel acted, with Constantine Partisides QC, for the claimant in a complex, multi-phased dispute with a host-government under a concession contract.  The phases concerned, inter alia, the correct interpretation of the parties’ rights and obligations under a long-term agreement for the appraisal and development of two large oil and gas fields, and a claim for multi-billion dollar damages for the wrongful prevention of the right to develop those fields.  The Tribunal was chaired by Lord Hoffmann (sitting alongside Lord Collins and John Beechey).  There were several substantive hearings, and the Tribunal issued a number of Partial Final Awards, before the dispute finally settled in late 2017.
      • Confidential LCIA Arbitration
        Acting, with Gordon Pollock QC (liability phase) and Claire Blanchard QC (quantum phase), for the claimant in a multi-billion dollar claim arising out of farm-out of an interest in two giant oil and gas fields in the Middle East.  The Tribunal was chaired by William Rowley QC (sitting alongside Sir Mark Potter and Dr. Kamal Hossain).  There were a number of interlocutory hearings, both before the Tribunal and the Commercial Court, as well as a substantive liability hearing, leading to a Partial Final Award on liability, in early 2015.  The dispute settled in November 2015, shortly before trial of the quantum phase.
    • Banking and Financial Services

      • Dana Gas PJSC v Dana Gas Sukuk Ltd and others [2018] EWHC 278 (Comm); [2018] EWHC 277 (Comm)
        Acting, with Richard Gillis QC, for the claimant in a dispute involving a number of major financial institutions, about US$800 million advanced under an Islamic financing agreement.
      • Re: Lehman Brothers International (Europe) (In Administration) [2009] EWHC 3228 (Ch)
        Acting as sole counsel for one of a number of respondents in a significant case about how client assets were, in light of the administration of Lehman Brothers, to be treated and distributed in accordance with FSA client money rules.
      • Financial Services Compensation Scheme v (1) Abbey National Treasury Services Ltd (2) NDF Administration Ltd (Ch)
        Acting, with Daniel Toledano QC, for the second defendant to a claim by the FSCS arising out of the alleged mis-selling of Structured Capital at Risk Products (SCARPS).
      • Johnston & Ors v Prudential Assurance Company Ltd (QB)
        Acting, as sole counsel, for Prudential in a claim by various investors arising out of the alleged mis-selling of financial products. The claim involved consideration of the applicable regulations as well as the liability of a firm for the actions of an employee.
    • Civil Fraud

      • Instructed in 2019 for the claimant in a claim alleging the misappropriation of substantial sums of money invested in a project to a build a five star hotel in the Middle East.
      • Apax Global Payment & Technologies Ltd v Morina & Ors (Ch)
        Acting, with Stephen Auld QC, in an application for worldwide freezing injunctions against the five former directors and shadow directors of Apax Global. The background was a US$8m fraud perpetrated by Apax Global against Sportingbet Plc.
      • Templeton Insurance Ltd v Surety Guarantee Consultants Ltd and others
        Acting for Templeton Insurance Ltd in relation to a series of claims arising out of the custodianship of its former management team. Templeton alleged that that team (in particular its former Chairman) had diverted assets belonging to Templeton to  number of third parties, which generated claims against various corporate and individual persons.  
      • Odyssey Entertainment Ltd (In Liquidation) v Kamp [2012] EWHC 2316 (Ch) 
        Acting for the claimant film distribution company in a claim for breach of fiduciary duty against its former Chairman and CEO.  The case involved the diversion of corporate opportunities.
    • Commercial Litigation

      As well as cases involving the particular expertise discussed elsewhere, Daniel has been instructed in cases across the spectrum of commercial law, including sale of goods, supply of services, shareholder disputes, breaches of joint venture agreements, agency, share sale agreements and warranty claims.  Examples include:

      • Asprey Capital Ltd v RediResi Ltd [2021] EWHC 2662 (Comm)
        Appearing as sole counsel for the claimant in a claim for over £2.5m arising out of breach of a joint venture agreement to acquire and sell real property. 
      • Advinia Care Homes Ltd v Bupa (Ch) [2020] EWHC 1563 (Ch); [2020] EWHC 3607 (Ch)
        Acting (first with a leader and subsequently as sole counsel), for the claimant in proceedings in the Chancery Division arising out of the acquisition by the Advinia Health Care Group of a large part of the care homes business formerly owned by the Bupa Group.
      • British Sky Broadcasting Ltd v Thomson Broadband Ltd (Comm)
        Acting, with John McCaughran QC, for the claimant, in a multi-million pound claim under the Sale of Goods Act 1979 for damages for the manufacture of defective set-top boxes.
      • Armstrong World Industries Ltd v HFD Ltd and others (Comm)
        Acting for the claimant in a claim for damages for the supply of allegedly defective flooring products.
      • Andre v Clydesdale Bank Plc [2013] EWHC 169 (Ch)
        Acting, with Norman Palmer QC, for the claimant in a claim for substantial damages for breach of a contract of bailment.
      • Venture North Sea Gas Ltd v Nuon Exploration & Production UK Ltd [2010] EWHC 204 (Comm)
        Acting, with Andrew Lenon QC, for the claimant in a claim for specific performance of a sale and purchase agreement for interests in producing fields and exploration blocks in the North Sea. 
      • Acacia Properties Ltd v Sgoluppi (Ch)
        Acting, with Anthony de Garr Robinson QC, for the claimant in a claim arising out of the construction of a housing development and the refusal of the defendant landowner to complete transfer of the same.  
    • Construction and Engineering

      • Confidential LCIA Arbitration (2013 – 17)
        Acting, with Constantine Partisides QC, for the claimant in a multi-billion dollar claim for damages against a host government for preventing the development of two very large oil and gas fields.  The claim involved extensive consideration of methods of developing oil and gas fields, including the collection of seismic data, the drilling of wells, installation of processing facilities and construction of pipeline and other infrastructure.  The dispute also involved a counterclaim by the government for alleged defective construction of an early processing facility.
      • National Grid Plc v British Telecommunications Plc (TCC)
        Acting for the defendant in a long-running dispute about liability for a gas explosion caused by a fracture to an underground gas pipe.  The dispute concerned the nature and cause of the fracture and issues around the effect of various environmental and other events on the integrity of iron pipes.
      • Shepherd Homes Ltd v Encia Group Ltd [2007] EWHC 1710 (TCC)
        Acting, with David Cavender QC, for the claimant in a 5 week trial in the TCC. The claim arose out of damage to properties on a new housing development, caused by defective construction of the piled foundations.  The trial involved consideration of extensive engineering and geological expert evidence.
      • Acacia Properties Ltd v Sgoluppi (Ch)
        Acting, with Anthony de Garr Robinson QC, for the claimant in a claim arising out of the construction of a housing development and alleged defects with the same.
    • Energy and Natural Resources

      Daniel has extensive experience of energy disputes, having acted, between 2010 and 2018, in three separate multi-billion dollar oil and gas arbitrations.  Since then he has been instructed in a number of other energy related matters including, with Claire Blanchard QC, in two related claims (for a combined total of c.US$245m) for breach of long-term gas supply agreements.  He is currently instructed as sole counsel in a dispute between parties to a joint operating agreement in relation to assets in the UK Continental Shelf.  Through these cases, a number of which spanned several years, Daniel has gained considerable knowledge of the oil and gas industry, including about the collection of seismic data; the PRMS system for measuring reserves and resources; methods of developing oil and natural gas and its by-products (condensate and LPG); markets; pricing; and transportation, including LNG and pipeline infrastructure.  Daniel is named in Legal 500 as a leading junior in energy disputes. 

      • 2021 –
        Daniel is currently instructed in a substantial dispute between parties to a joint operating agreement in relation to oilfields located in the UK Continental Shelf.
      • UNCITRAL BIT Arbitration (2020 – )
        Currently acting, with Alison Macdonald QC, for the claimant in a claim for US$225m arising out of breach of a bilateral investment treaty in the context of mining operations in North Macedonia.
      • Confidential ad hoc Arbitrations (2020 – 21)
        Acting, with Claire Blanchard QC, for the respondent to two substantial claims (one for US$181m and the other for US$63m) arising out of the alleged breach of long term gas supply agreements.
      • Confidential LCIA Arbitration (2017 – 18)
        Acting, with Lord Falconer QC, for the claimant in a multi-billion dollar dispute about the alleged breach of a joint venture agreement for the development of extensive oil and gas assets. The dispute raised numerous technical issues around the extent of hydrocarbon resources at the relevant fields, as well as the appropriate way to develop those resources in accordance with international petroleum industry practice.  Daniel cross-examined several witnesses during the lengthy final hearing, including geological and field development experts.
      • Confidential LCIA Arbitration (2013 – 17)
        Acting, with Constantine Partisides QC, for the claimant in a multi-billion dollar claim for damages against a host government for preventing the development of two very large oil and gas fields.  Among other things, the claim raised issues as to the amount of oil and gas (and associated condensate and LPG) contained in the fields, alleged deficiencies with an early processing facility, markets and pricing, and the considerations (both political and technical) relevant to the export of oil and gas from a landlocked country.
      • Confidential LCIA Arbitration (2010 – 15)
        Acting, with Gordon Pollock QC (liability phase) and Claire Blanchard QC (quantum phase), for the claimant in a dispute arising out of a farm-out of an interest in two giant oil and gas fields in the Middle East.  The claim was for multi-billion dollar damages, and the quantum phase involved numerous technical issues about the extent, means of developing, and value of the relevant hydrocarbon resources.  
      • Venture North Sea Gas Ltd v Nuon Exploration & Production UK Ltd [2010] EWHC 204 (Comm)
        Acting, with Andrew Lenon QC, for the claimant in a claim for specific performance of a sale and purchase agreement for interests in producing fields and exploration blocks in the North Sea.
    • Injunctions

      • Apax Global Payment & Technologies Ltd v Morina & Ors (Ch) (worldwide freezer)
        Acting, with Stephen Auld QC, in an application for worldwide freezing injunctions against the five former directors and shadow directors of Apax Global. The background was a US$8m fraud perpetrated against Sportingbet Plc. The application involved several subsidiary issues such as jurisdiction, permission to serve out of the jurisdiction, and permission to serve by an alternative method. 
      • Meldex International Plc v Trevillion (Ch) (security for costs; enforcement of cross-undertaking)
        Acting, with David Cavender QC, in an application to strike out the claim against the first defendant; alternatively for security for costs. Daniel subsequently appeared on his own in an application to enforce a cross-undertaking pursuant to a freezing injunction which the claimant had obtained at an earlier stage in the proceedings. 
      • K.C.C. Ltd v Leeways Packaging Services Ltd (Bristol Mercantile Court) (security for costs)
        Acting, as sole counsel, for the claimant in an application by the defendant for security for costs. The application involved consideration of the circumstances in which the directors/shareholders of an impecunious company must (in the context of an allegation of stifling) disclose their ability and willingness to meet any order for security.
      • Data Leisure Ltd v London Events Ltd (Ch) (re-conveyance of security)
        Acting, as sole counsel, for the claimant in an application for an order that the defendant re-convey shares in, and relinquish possession of, a London nightclub.
      • Day to Day Teachers Ltd v Susan Wright (Ch) (delivery up of confidential information)
        Acting, as sole counsel, for the claimant in an application for an order that the defendant deliver up confidential information belonging to the claimant, which information was being employed in a rival business.
    • Shareholder Disputes

      • Confidential LCIA Arbitration (2019) 
        Acting for the claimant minority shareholder in a multi-million dollar dispute arising out of a joint venture agreement for the operation of an international foundry business.  The issues involved exclusion of directors from board meetings, breach of the minority shareholder’s right to approve certain transactions, and a claim for substantial damages.
      • Confidential LCIA Arbitration (2017 - 18)
        Acting, with Lord Falconer QC, for the claimant majority shareholders in a multi-billion dollar dispute arising out of a joint venture agreement for the operation of an oil and gas business.  The claim alleged irremediable breach of the minority shareholder’s rights under the joint venture agreement, and sought a transfer of the majority shareholders’ shares as a remedy.
      • Odyssey Entertainment Ltd (In Liquidation) v Kamp [2012] EWHC 2316 (Ch) 
        Acting for the claimant film distribution company in a claim for breach of fiduciary duty against its former Chairman and CEO, in the context of a breakdown in relations between the shareholders.
  • What the Directories Say

    "Daniel Hubbard is confident on his feet." “Daniel has a can-do attitude. He is very user-friendly and responsive.” "Daniel is very good on his feet. He commands the room well." (Chambers UK 2025 - Energy & Natural Resources) 

     ‘A very hardworking and technically able barrister, who is very engaged and on top of the details.’ (Legal 500 2025 - Energy)

    "Daniel Hubbard gets up to speed incredibly quickly and immerses himself in the detail. He's on a silk trajectory." (Chambers UK 2025 - International Arbitration)

    'Strong written and oral advocacy; very user-friendly.' (Legal 500 2025 – International Arbitration)

    "A well-prepared advocate who produces excellent submissions." (Chambers UK 2024 - International Arbitration)

    ‘Daniel is always very flexible and accommodating, and on his feet he is very assured.’ (Legal 500 2024 - Energy)

    ‘A highly experienced senior-junior with calm and measured judgement, clear and concise drafting skills, and persuasive advocacy - he knows arbitration inside out.’ (Legal 500 2024 – International Arbitration)

    "He's a very clever and technically gifted barrister whose written work is excellent and whose advocacy is top notch." (Chambers UK 2023 - International Arbitration)

    "Daniel's advocacy is just wonderful - he's robust, respectful and lightning fast on his feet." (Chambers UK 2023 - International Arbitration)

    "He really embraces getting right into the detail." (Chambers UK 2023 - International Arbitration)

    ‘Daniel is very good at getting to grips with details quickly and is a brilliant technical lawyer who is willing to roll up his sleeves.’ (Legal 500 2023 - Energy)

    ‘Daniel is a tenacious and effective advocate. He is also a fantastic member of the team: smart, insightful, hard-working and a pleasure to be around.' (Legal 500 2023 – International Arbitration)

    “A tremendous advocate. Analytically astute and tenacious in his advocacy. Incredibly hard working and user-friendly.” (Legal 500 2021 – International Arbitration)

    "A very bright, tenacious and personable barrister. He has a real head for learning the technical aspects of a case and that makes him indispensable." (Chambers UK 2021 - International Arbitration)

    “Very bright and user-friendly, he is a strong advocate who produces clear and incisive submissions.” (Legal 500 2021 - Energy)

    Frequently acts as sole counsel in high-value international arbitrations, with particular emphasis on disputes regarding issues of oil and gas. "He really gets hold of the key issues." (Chambers UK 2020 - International Arbitration)

    “Experienced in complex and high-value arbitration and litigation in the energy sector.”(Legal 500 2020 - Energy)

    "He is extremely bright and personable, and truly a pleasure to work with." (Chambers UK 2019 - International Arbitration)

    “He is extremely thorough.” (Chambers UK 2018 - International Arbitration)

    “He is lightning-fast on his feet, and willing to get his hands dirty digging through the details.” “He’s switched-on, and a collegial member of the team who gets on with the client.” (Chambers UK 2018 - Commercial Dispute Resolution)

    As much at home handling commercial litigation as he is tackling arbitration, he is well known for the expertise he brings to civil fraud and contractual disputes. He also handles work in the oil and gas sector. “He is assured and quick to grasp the issues.” (Chambers UK 2017 - Commercial Dispute Resolution)

    “Very sharp, detailed and has a strategic mind.” (Chambers UK 2017 - International Arbitration)

    "Daniel's drafting and legal analysis is impressive, as is his confident and well-prepared advocacy before the court." ” (Legal 500 2021).

    “his confident and well-prepared advocacy” (Chambers UK 2016)

    “clear and incisive submissions” (Chambers UK 2016 - Commercial Dispute Resolution)

    “A smart cookie. He knows what he’s doing; he’s good on his feet, good on paper and highly responsive.” (Chambers UK 2015 - Commercial Dispute Resolution)

  • Qualifications

    Kennedy Scholarship (Lincoln's Inn 2003)
    Sunley Scholarship (Lincoln’s Inn 2000)
    Hardwicke Scholarship (Lincoln’s Inn 1999)

  • Summary of Previous Professional Experience

    Research assistant, Law Commission, 2001/02
    Lecturer in contract and trust law, 2002/03

  • Education

    LLB, King’s College, London
    BCL, St. John’s College, Oxford
    Bar Vocational Course, Inns of Court School of Law


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