Conall Patton KC

Darren Burrows

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Conall Patton KC

Rob Smith

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Conall Patton KC

Jade Cassell

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Conall Patton KC


Call 2004 Silk 2020

Conall Patton KC is renowned for his oral advocacy and cross-examination skills, the elegance of his drafting and his responsiveness to clients. He acts in a broad range of commercial litigation and arbitration disputes, with particular expertise in energy, banking, jurisdiction and choice of law, and competition law. He has acted in the leading cases on redress for fraudulent financial reporting, notably the nine-month Autonomy trial and the Tesco shareholder litigation.

According to Chambers UK Bar 2023, he is an “outstanding and first-class barrister in every respect”, “has utter command of the detail, writes brilliantly and is an effective advocate” and “provides clear, incisive and user-friendly advice”. Legal 500 (2023) describes Conall as a “commanding presence in court” and as “quite simply brilliant – brilliant written work, brilliant advocacy, and brilliant strategic advice”.

Since taking silk, Conall has established himself as a leading advocate and advisor, with a varied practice that spans the Commercial Court, Chancery Division, Competition Appeal Tribunal and international commercial arbitration under a range of institutional rules. He was a member of the working group for the 11th edition of the Commercial Court Guide. He is a trustee of Advocate and co-treasurer of FreeBar.

Notable recent and ongoing cases include:

Churchill Gowns v Ede & Ravenscroft [2022] CAT 34: acting at the 11-day trial for the successful defendant to claims under Chapters I and II in relation to the university graduation gowns market.

Tesaro Inc v AstraZeneca (ongoing): acting for a subsidiary of GSK in a dispute concerning the interpretation of a patent sub-licensing agreement.

ICC arbitration (2022): acting for the successful claimant in a dispute concerning a shareholders agreement in respect of an international mining company.

LCIA arbitration (2022): acting for the respondent in relation to a price review provision in the satellite telecommunications industry (award awaited).

Genius Sports Technologies v Soft Construct (Malta) (ongoing): acting for a sports betting company alleging that exclusive sports data rights agreements infringe Chapters I and II.

Crane Bank v DFCU Bank (ongoing): acting for one of the defendants in defending claims of unlawful means conspiracy arising out of the acquisition of a Ugandan banking business.

  • Examples of Recent Cases

    • Banking and Financial Services

      Chambers UK (2023) "Conall Patton KC enjoys a fast-growing reputation among peers and instructing solicitors particularly for his outstanding written advocacy across a range of areas including banking, competition law and energy. He is a go-to for numerous instructing solicitors presented with complex, multi-jurisdictional banking cases, and is noted for his deft handling of bond disputes and fraud claims."

      • Federal Deposit Insurance Corp v Barclays Bank (ongoing)
        Acting (with Josh Holmes QC and Emma Jones) for Rabobank defending competition and fraud claims in connection with alleged LIBOR manipulation.
      • Crane Bank v DFCU Bank (ongoing)
        Acting for one of the defendants in defending claims of unlawful means conspiracy arising out of the acquisition of a Ugandan banking business.
      • ​​​​​​JSC BTA Bank v Turkiye Vakiflar Bakasi TAO [2018] EWHC 835 (Comm)
        Appearing (with Mark Howard KC) for a Turkish bank on a successful challenge to the English Court's jurisdiction to hear a claim by BTA, the Kazakh bank, under a Deed of Release
      • Dexia Crediop SpA v Provincia Brescia [2016] EWHC 3261 (Comm)
        Appearing (with Daniel Toledano KC) on a 2-day challenge to the English Court’s jurisdiction to grant declarations arising out of representations contained in an ISDA Master Agreement.
      • Lehman Brothers International (Europe) v ExxonMobil Financial Services [2016] EWHC 2699 (Comm)
        Appearing (with Daniel Toledano KC) for Exxon in a Commercial Court trial before Blair J relating to the close-out amount payable under a Global Master Repurchase Agreement.
      • Molton Street Capital v. Odeon Capital [2015] EWHC 3419 (Comm)
        Appearing (without a leader) for Odeon at a 6-day Commercial Court trial before Popplewell J defending a claim arising from bond trading.
      • Glitnir v. Toronto-Dominion Bank (2013-2014)
        Acting (with Ewan McQuater KC) for Glitnir in a claim concerning the close-out amount due under an ISDA Master Agreement following the Icelandic financial crisis.
      • Thinc Group Limited v. Livingstone & Comerford (2013)
        Appearing (leading Abra Bompas) for a financial services company in defending a counterclaim for breach of contract.
      • Borrower v. Bank (2013)
        Acting (with David Wolfson KC) for a commercial property company in a dispute with its lending bank.
      • Re a restructuring (2012)
        Acting (with David Wolfson KC and Michael Watkins) for a consortium of junior lenders in relation to a multi-jurisdictional debt restructuring.
      • Thinc Group Limited v. Hayes & Bourne (2012)
        Acting (without a leader) for a financial services company in defending a counterclaim.
      • Brandenburg Properties v. J P Morgan Markets Limited and Deutsche Pfandbriefbank AG (2010-11) (Comm)
        Acting (with Daniel Toledano KC for the Agent in a claim concerning the construction of a Senior Term Facility Agreement.
      • Re a Bank (2011)
        Advising (with Lord Grabiner KC) on the scope for mezzanine lenders to challenge the enforcement plan devised by a steering committee of senior lenders.
      • LCIA Arbitration (2011)
        Appearing (without a leader) in a 5-day arbitration for an investment bank claiming €7.5m in M&A advisory fees from its Russian client and defending a €90m counterclaim for professional negligence. The hearing included cross-examination of two witnesses of fact (via a Russian interpreter) and an expert witness on M&A banking practice.
      • CQS Convertible and Quantitative Strategies v Numis Securities (2010-11)
        Acting (with David Wolfson KC) for a placing agent in defending a claim based on alleged fraudulent misrepresentations in a placing memorandum.
      • Re EMI Group
        Advising (with Rhodri Davies KC and David Wolfson) Terra Firma on banking and commercial issues arising out of the multi £billion acquisition of EMI Group.
      • Fabien Pictet & Partners Ltd v Ukraine Opportunity Investment Trust plc (2007)
        Appearing (with Anthony de Garr Robinson KC) for FPP on an application without notice for an injunction restraining UKRO from summarily terminating its investment management agreement with FPP.
      • Ixis v. WestLB, Terra Firma & CIBC (2006)
        Acting (with Thomas Ivory KC, David Wolfson and Michael Fealy) for CIBC in a Commercial Court action arising out of the securitisation of the Boxclever group.
    • Judicial Review

      • R (Proteus and Samarkand) v. HMRC [2015] UKUT 211 (TCC), [2015] STC 2135
        Acting (with Michael Furness KC) for two film sale and leaseback partnerships in judicial review proceedings challenging the refusal of tax relief by HMRC.
      • R (Gaines-Cooper) v HMRC (Supreme Court)[2011] UKSC 47, [2012] 1 All ER 1048, [2011] 1 W.L.R 2625, [2011] S.T.C. 2249, (2011) Times 24 October
        Appearing (with Lord Grabiner KC) in the Supreme Court on an appeal concerning the true meaning of HMRC guidance IR20 regarding the residence and ordinary residence treatment of individuals.
      • R (on the application of easyJet) v Civil Aviation Authority [2009] EWCA Civ 1361, [2009] EWHC 1422 (Admin) 
        Appearing at first instance and acting on the appeal (with Thomas Sharpe KC) for Gatwick Airport as intervener in a judicial review concerning the level of airport charges at Gatwick Airport.
      • R (on the application of Southern and Southeastern Trains) v British Transport Police Authority [2009] EWHC 1255 (Admin) (Collins J, costs), [2009] EWHC 460 (Admin) (Collins J, final hearing,[2008] EWHC 1022 (Admin)
        Acting (with Thomas Sharpe KC) for two train operating companies in judicial review proceedings concerning the legality of charges levied by the BTPA for British Transport Police services.
    • Company

      • Re Hellas II (2016-2017)
        Acting (with Sonia Tolaney KC) for the TCW respondents to a claim under s. 423 of the Insolvency Act 1986.
      • Autonomy Corporation Limited v Lynch and Hussain (2015)
        Acting (with Richard Snowden KC, Laurence Rabinowitz KC, James Potts KC and others) for Autonomy and others in claims for breach of fiduciary duty, breach of contract and misrepresentation in relation to the acquisition of Autonomy by the HP group.
        LCIA Arbitration (2014)
        Appearing (with John McCaughran KC) in an LCIA arbitration concerning a shareholders dispute in connection with a hotel investment fund.
      • LCIA Arbitration (2014)
        Appearing (with Kenneth MacLean KC) in a 4-day LCIA arbitration concerning corporate governance issues in relation to a television-related business in the Middle East North Africa region.
      • Dominion Petroleum Limited v Carlo Seidel [2008] EWHC 633 (Ch)
        Appearing (with Richard Gillis KC) for Dominion Petroleum on a trial before Peter Smith J of a former director’s claim for wrongful removal/dismissal and on a 5-day application before Norris J for an injunction in support of compulsory share transfer provisions.
      • London Bar Arbitration (2008)
        Acting (with Anthony de Garr Robinson KC) for the claimant company in a claim for breach of fiduciary duty and breach of terms of an executive service contract.
    • Competition

      Legal 500 (2023) "Conall is an outstanding silk and a name to remember. He is not only exceptionally bright and commercial, but simply amazing on his feet. He provides clear, practical and concise advice to his clients and is very easy to work with; he is simply one of the best competition QC’s around.”

      • Churchill Gowns v Ede & Ravenscroft [2022] CAT 34
        Acting at the 11-day trial for the successful defendant to claims under Chapters I and II in relation to the university graduation gowns market.
      • Genius Sports Technologies v Soft Construct (Malta) (ongoing)
        Acting for a sports betting company alleging that exclusive sports data rights agreements infringe Chapters I and II.
      • Kelkoo v Google (ongoing)
        Acting for Google defending claims relating to search results and rankings.
      • Emerald Supplies Limited v British Airways plc [2015] EWCA Civ 1024, [2016] Bus. L.R. 145
        Appearing (with Jon Turner KC and Gideon Cohen) for BA on an appeal (before Elias and Gloster LJJ and Sir Bernard Rix) concerning the requirement for intent in the economic torts.
      • Emerald Supplies Limited v British Airways plc [2015] EWHC 2201 (Ch)
        Appearing (with Jon Turner KC) on an application for Peter Smith J to recuse himself as assigned judge on grounds of apparent bias.
      • HSBC Holdings plc v HMRC [2012] UKFTT 163 (TC), [2012] S.F.T.D. 913
        Appearing (with Ian Glick KC and Daniel Jowell KC) for HSBC on an appeal to recover stamp duty reserve tax charges as having been levied contrary to the Capital Duty Directive and/or Article 63 TFEU.
      • Safeway v Twigger [2010] EWCA Civ 1472, [2011] 2 All ER 841, [2011] 1 Lloyd's Rep 462
        Appearing (without a leader) in the Court of Appeal to argue a novel point on liability for costs where the claimant discontinues pending the hearing of an appeal. Acting (with Thomas Sharpe KC) on the substantive appeal as to whether a company’s claim to recover a competition infringement fine from a former director was contrary to the ex turpi causa doctrine. See Safeway Stores Ltd v Twigger: The Buck Stops Here [2011] Comp Law 57 (with Anna Morfey of Clifford Chance LLP).
      • Bowmer & Kirkland v OFT sub nom Kier Group plc [2011] CAT 3
        Appearing (with Thomas Sharpe KC) in the Competition Appeal Tribunal on an appeal against the penalty imposed by the OFT for cover pricing infringements in the construction industry.
      • Digicel (St Lucia) and ors v Cable & Wireless plc and ors [2010] EWHC 774 (Ch)
        Appearing (with Lord Grabiner KC and Edmund Nourse) for Cable & Wireless plc in a 77-day trial before Morgan J of a conspiracy claim relating to the liberalisation of telecoms markets across seven Caribbean jurisdictions. Conall cross-examined one of the Claimants’ witnesses of fact for over two days and presented oral closing submissions on competition law issues.
      • E.ON UK plc v. Gas and Electricity Markets Authority (CC02/07)
        Appearing for the energy major E.ON (with Alan Griffiths) in proceedings before the Competition Commission, concerning the arrangements for offtake of gas from the National Transmission System. The appeal, under s173 Energy Act 2004, was the first ever challenge against a decision by the British energy regulator on an energy code modification to go full term to determination.
      • Arriva plc v Chester City Council [2007] EWHC 1373 (Ch)
        Appearing (with Thomas Sharpe KC and Paul Harris) for Arriva in a 12-day High Court trial before Rimer J concerning alleged predatory pricing in breach of Chapter II of the Competition Act. See also “Lessons for Private Enforcement: Chester City Council v Arriva” (2007) 6 Competition Law Journal 187–194.
    • Commercial Disputes

      Legal 500 (2023) "Conall is quite simply brilliant – brilliant written work, brilliant advocacy, and brilliant strategic advice. He is hands-on and is always responsive, contactable, and willing to discuss matters of concern to solicitors and clients. An absolute star at the bar."

      • Tesaro Inc v AstraZeneca (ongoing)
        Acting (with Tom Mitcheson QC) for a subsidiary of GSK in a dispute concerning the interpretation of a patent sub-licensing agreement.
      • Ali Parsadoust v Hanging Gardens [2021] EWHC 1594 (comm)
        Acting (with Lord Grabiner KC) for an investor successfully obtaining summary judgment rejecting a defence founded on an alleged oral agreement.
      • ACL Netherlands v Lynch and Hussain [2022] EWHC 1178 (Ch)
        Acting (with Laurence Rabinowitz KC and Patrick Goodall KC) for Autonomy in a mammoth 9-month fraud trial against its former CEO and CFO.
      • Minera Las Bambas SA v Glencore Queensland Ltd [2019] STC 1642
        Acting in the Court of Appeal and 5-day Commercial Court trial for Glencore, successfully defending claims under a tax indemnity.
      • Atheer Telecom Iraq Limited v Orascom Telecom Iraq Corp Limited [2017] EWHC 279 (Comm)
        Appearing (with Mark Howard KC) at a 5-day trial before Knowles J for a subsidiary of the Zain group in a claim under a tax covenant contained in a share purchase agreement.
      • Alfa Bank v Reznik [2016] EWHC B21 (Comm)
        Appearing (without a leader) for Alfa Bank in obtaining a worldwide freezing order in aid of arbitration and a subsequent committal order for breach of the asset disclosure provisions in the order, as well as opposing a later application by the respondent to purge his contempt.
      • Pinchuk v Bogolyubov and Kolomoisky (2014-2016)
        Acting (with Laurence Rabinowitz KC and Patrick Goodall KC) for Mr Igor Kolomoisky in a high-profile Commercial Court claim between three Ukrainian businessmen concerning title to an iron ore plant.
      • Stemcor v Global Steel Holdings [2015] EWHC 363 (Comm), [2015] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 580
        Appearing (without a leader) on a two-day strike-out application before Hamblen J raising issues about the law of guarantees.
      • DSO Estates v Environcom (2015)
        Appearing pro bono for DSO on a two-day trial in the Oxford County Court, resulting in a £10,000 pro bono costs award in favour of the Access to Justice Foundation.
      • Barden v. Commodities Research Unit & Ors [2013] EWHC 1633 (Ch)
        Appearing (with Rhodri Davies KC) for the successful defendants in a case before Vos J concerning the construction and rectification of a settlement agreement reached at a mediation.
      • Santana v. Priory Land Limited (2012-3)
        Appearing (without a leader) for the defendant in a three-day Chancery Division trial (heard by Jeremy Cousins KC), followed by a successful application, after the circulation of draft judgment, for the trial to be restored in order to investigate allegations of wrongdoing against the claimant.
      • Barbudev v. Eurocom Cable Management Bulgaria EOOD [2012] EWCA Civ 548, [2012] 2 All ER (Comm) 963
        Appearing (without a leader) for the successful respondents in the Court of Appeal (Sir John Thomas P, Lloyd and Aikens LJJ) on the question of whether a side letter was an enforceable contract or a mere agreement to agree.  On 27 November 2012, the Supreme Court (Lord Walker, Lord Clarke and Lord Sumption) refused permission to appeal.
      • Barbudev v Eurocom Cable Management Bulgaria EOOD [2011] EWHC 1560 (Comm), [2011] 2 All ER (Comm)
        Appearing (without a leader) for the successful defendants (Warburg Pincus group) on a 7-day Commercial Court trial before Blair J concerning the legal enforceability a side letter in an M&A transaction whereby the parties agreed to negotiate an investment and shareholders agreement.
      • Nixson v. News Group Newspapers and others (2012)
        Acting (with Daniel Toledano KC) for members of the Management and Standards Committee of News Corporation in defending an economic tort claim by a former News of the World journalist.
      • Virginia Capital v. Ely Place (2012)
        Appearing (without a leader) on an application for interpleader relief in a claim concerning the beneficial ownership of certain shares.  A report of the hearing appeared in the Daily Telegraph on 6 July 2012, click here
      • Pegasus v Ernst & Young [2012] EWHC 738 (Ch), [2012] 2 BCLC 734
        Appearing (with John McCaughran KC) on an appeal before Mann J concerning an argument that the claimants in a professional negligence claim had suffered no loss.
      • Shaftsbury House (Developments) Ltd v Kelly Fernandez Lee [2010] EWHC 1484 (Ch)
        Appearing (without a leader) for the developer on a 2-day trial before Proudman J arising out of the purchaser’s failure to complete under a contract for the purchase of a lease. Issues included the enforceability of an entire agreement clause under the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999.
      • Digicel (St Lucia) and ors v Cable & Wireless plc and ors [2010] EWHC 774 (Ch)
        Appearing (with Lord Grabiner KC and Edmund Nourse) for Cable & Wireless plc in a 77-day trial before Morgan J of a conspiracy claim relating to the liberalisation of telecoms markets across seven Caribbean jurisdictions. Conall cross-examined one of the Claimants’ witnesses of fact for over two days and presented oral closing submissions on competition law issues. Related decisions include.
      • Digicel v C&W [2010] EWHC 888 (Ch), [2010] 5 Costs L.R. 709 
        Judgment awarding the costs of the action on the indemnity basis to the C&W Defendants.
      • Digicel v C&W [2009] EWHC 1437 (Ch)
        Judgment on a discrete application during the trial relating to alleged waiver of legal professional privilege, for which Conall conducted the oral argument on behalf of the Defendants.
      • Digicel v C&W [2008] EWHC 2522 (Ch), [2009] 2 All E.R. 1094. 
        The leading decision on the scope of the duty to conduct a reasonable search for the purposes of giving e-disclosure.
      • Pegasus Management Holdings v Ernst & Young [2010] EWCA Civ 181, [2010] 3 All ER 297, [2010] 2 All ER (Comm) 191, [2008] EWHC 2720 (Ch), [2009] P.N.L.R. 11
        Appearing (with Rhodri Davies KC) for the claimants at the preliminary issues trial before Lewison J and in the Court of Appeal concerning limitation issues arising from allegedly negligent tax advice.
      • Leofelis SA v. Lonsdale Sports Ltd [2008] EWCA CIV 640, [2008] E.T.M.R. 63; (2008) 158 N.L.J. 1041, (2008) Times 23 July, [2007] EWHC 451 (Ch)
        Appearing (with Kenneth MacLean KC and Michael Fealy) for Leofelis in a three-week High Court trial before Evans-Lombe J and a four-day appeal in the Court of Appeal. Issues included the termination of contracts by notice, misrepresentations of law and the burden of proving reasonableness under UCTA.
    • Energy and Natural Resources

      Legal 500 (2020) "A new silk who will be a star, he is always well-prepared and has a direct, “no-nonsense” style."

      • LCIA proceedings (2016-2017)
        Acting (with Mark Howard KC) in a 6-day arbitration for a wind farm developer in a dispute concerning issues of Force Majeure.
      • Marathon Oil UK LLC v Centrica and TAQA [2018] EWHC 322 (Comm) 
        Acting (with David Wolfson KC) in a four-day Commercial Court trial before Knowles J concerning the recovery by the operator of an oil field of deficit payments in respect of a pension scheme. An appeal was heard by the Court of Appeal (Hamblen, Henderson and Green LJ) in December 2018 and judgment is awaited.
      • UNCITRAL proceedings (2014-2015)
        Acting (with Laurence Rabinowitz KC) for an oil major in a five-day hearing about its right to participate in a development programme undertaken under a joint operating agreement.
      • ICC proceedings (2013)
        Acting (with Laurence Rabinowitz KC) in large-scale arbitration proceedings concerning international contracts for the delivery of natural gas.
      • Centrica plc v Medway Power Ltd (2012)
        Acting (with Daniel Toledano KC) for Centrica in a Commercial Court dispute concerning alleged events of Force Majeure at the Medway power station.
      • Expert determination (2010)
        Acting (with Neil Kitchener KC) for the buyer under a gas sales agreement in relation to the validity of a Force Majeure declaration by the seller.
      • Expert determination (2009)
        Appearing (with Laurence Rabinowitz KC) for an energy major in a dispute concerning the removal of alleged environmental taxes from the price under a long-term gas supply agreement.
      • ICC Proceedings (2007)
        Appearing (with Rhodri Davies KC) for the defendant in a three-week arbitration arising out of a concession agreement for a steel, gas and electricity generation plant.
      • ICC Proceedings (2006)
        Appearing (with Michael Sullivan) in a three-week arbitration in Singapore for the purchaser of an industrial CFB boiler alleging misrepresentation and breach of contract against the vendor.
      • LMAA Proceedings (2006)
        Appearing (with Michael Sullivan) in a four-day arbitration concerning the detention of an oil rig in the Persian Gulf.
      • E.ON UK plc v. Gas and Electricity Markets Authority (CC02/07
        Appearing for the energy major E.ON (with Alan Griffiths) in proceedings before the Competition Commission, concerning the arrangements for offtake of gas from the National Transmission System. The appeal, under s173 Energy Act 2004, was the first ever challenge against a decision by the British energy regulator on an energy code modification to go full term to determination.
    • Arbitration

      Legal 500 (2020) "Has a deep knowledge of all things to do with international arbitration – he seems to have an appreciation of how arbitrators are likely to consider issues which arise and what is important and what is not."

      • ICC arbitration (2022)
        Acting for the successful claimant in a dispute concerning a shareholders agreement in respect of an international mining company.
      • LCIA arbitration (2022)
        Acting for the respondent in relation to a price review provision in the satellite telecommunications industry (award awaited).
      • ICC arbitration (2021)
        Acting for the successful claimant in relation to a dispute in the travel technology sector.
      • LCIA proceedings (2016-2017)
        Acting (with Mark Howard KC) in a 6-day arbitration for a wind farm developer in a dispute concerning issues of Force Majeure.
      • LCIA proceedings (2016)
        Appearing (with Daniel Toledano KC) in a 1-day arbitration concerning the defence sector and advising on a subsequent application for permission to enforce the award as a judgment.
      • UNCITRAL proceedings (2014-2015)
        Acting (with Laurence Rabinowitz KC) for an oil major in a five-day hearing about its right to participate in a development programme undertaken under a joint operating agreement.
      • Ad hoc proceedings (2014)
        Acting (with Laurence Rabinowitz KC) in an arbitration concerning the aviation industry.
      • Guidance Investments Limited v Guidance Hotel Investment Company BSC [2013] EWHC 3413 (Comm)
        Appearing (with John McCaughran KC) on an application for a stay of proceedings under s. 9 of the Arbitration Act 1996.
      • Beijing Jianlong Heavy Industry Group v. Golden Ocean Group [2013] EWHC 1063 (Comm), [2013] 2 All E.R. (Comm) 436, [2013] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 61, [2013] 1 C.L.C. 906, [2013] Bus. L.R. D58
        Appearing (with Richard Gillis KC) for Golden Ocean on a s.67 challenge to the jurisdiction of arbitrators to determine defences to claims under guarantees based on foreign illegality.
      • LCIA Proceedings (2013-2014)
        Acting (with Iain Milligan KC, Helen Davies KC and Robert O'Donohue) in a large-scale arbitration arising out of a shareholders' dispute.
      • Ad Hoc Proceedings (2012)
        Appearing (with Daniel Toledano KC) in a two-week arbitration in a claim by a large property fund against insurers.
      • Cargill African Investments v. Assaf (Comm Ct, 2012)
        Appearing (with Craig Orr KC) for Cargill in applications for freezing injunction relief in aid of arbitral proceedings.
      • LCIA Proceedings (2011)
        Appearing (without a leader) in a 5-day arbitration for an investment bank claiming €7.5m in M&A advisory fees from its Russian client and defending a €90m counterclaim for professional negligence. The hearing included cross-examination of two witnesses of fact (via a Russian interpreter) and an expert witness on M&A banking practice.
      • ICC Proceedings (2007)
        Appearing (with Rhodri Davies KC) for the defendant in a three-week arbitration arising out of a concession agreement for a steel, gas and electricity generation plant.
      • Commercial Court Proceedings (2007)
        Acting for a Russian energy company in opposing an application for permission to appeal an arbitral award on a question of law pursuant to s. 69 of the Arbitration Act 1996 and in seeking security for costs and payment into Court of the award monies under s. 70.
      • ICC Proceedings (2006)
        Appearing (with Michael Sullivan) in a three-week arbitration in Singapore for the purchaser of an industrial CFB boiler alleging misrepresentation and breach of contract against the vendor. Issues included whether a claim under bills of exchange was within the scope of the arbitration agreement.
      • LMAA Proceedings (2006)
        Appearing (with Michael Sullivan) in a four-day arbitration concerning the detention of an oil rig in the Persian Gulf.
    • Jurisdiction and Conflict of Laws

      • JSC BTA Bank v Turkiye Vakiflar Bakasi TAO [2018] EWHC 835 (Comm)
        Appearing (with Mark Howard KC) for a Turkish bank on a successful challenge to the English Court's jurisdiction to hear a claim by BTA, the Kazakh bank, under a Deed of Release.
      • MicroTechnologies LLC v Autonomy Inc [2016] EWHC 3268 (QB), [2017] EWHC 613 (QB)
        Appearing (without a leader) on a 1-day appeal to Morris J from a decision of the Senior Master to refuse an examination pursuant to a letter of request and on a subsequent 1-day consequentials hearing concerning the conduct of the examination.
      • Dexia Crediop SpA v Provincia Brescia [2016] EWHC 3261 (Comm)
        Appearing (with Daniel Toledano KC) on a 2-day challenge to the English Court’s jurisdiction to grant declarations arising out of representations contained in an ISDA Master Agreement.
      • Molton Street Capital v. Odeon Capital [2015] EWHC 3419 (Comm)
        Acting for Odeon in a case concerning the governing law under the Rome I Regulation in an alleged contract for the sale of bonds.
      • Oy Air Finland v Atlasjet Havacilik AS (2015)
        Resisting an appeal (heard by HH Judge Seymour K)C against the enforcement in England of a Finnish judgment pursuant to the Judgments Regulation.
      • Re an Airline
        Acting (with Laurence Rabinowitz KC) for a major airline in connection with its rights and remedies following the failure of one of its engines, including advising on issues of jurisdiction.
      • Dominion Petroleum Limited v Carlo Seidel [2008] EWHC 633 (Ch)
        Appearing (with Richard Gillis KC) on a five-day application before Norris J for an injunction in aid of proceedings in Bermuda. Issues included the effect of Owusu on the jurisdiction to grant of such relief, and the Court’s power to stay English proceedings pending the outcome of proceedings abroad.
      • Advising an investment bank on jurisdiction and choice of law issues in relation to a claim in fraud arising out of trading in "toxic" securities.
      • Advising a US litigant on the enforceability of a letter of request for judicial assistance in aid of proceedings in California.
  • What the Directories Say

    Conall is ranked in Legal 500 (2023) for Energy (Tier 4), Banking and Finance (Tier 5), Commercial Litigation (Tier 6) and Competition (Tier 3). He is ranked in Chambers UK Bar for Banking & Finance (Tier 3), Energy & Natural Resources (Tier 4) and Commercial Dispute Resolution (Tier 4).

    “The star of the show; out of this world. He is able to read vast volumes of complicated information, and calmly cuts to the heart of the issue” (Chambers UK Bar 2024 - Competition Law) 

    "Conall is ferociously intelligent, spots angles others don't and is able to present them in court." (Chambers UK Bar 2024 - Banking and Finance) 

    "Conall is superb. One of the very best of his generation." (Chambers UK Bar 2024 - Energy and Natural Resources) 

    "Conall fully comprehends the highly technical nature of matters. His written and oral representation is brilliant." (Chambers UK Bar 2024 - Commercial Dispute Resolution) 

    “outstanding and first-class barrister in every respect”, “has utter command of the detail, writes brilliantly and is an effective advocate” and “provides clear, incisive and user-friendly advice”(Chambers UK Bar 2023) 

    “commanding presence in court” and as “quite simply brilliant – brilliant written work, brilliant advocacy, and brilliant strategic advice”.  (Legal 500 2023)

    A gifted cross-examiner, he has excellent analytical skills and drafts very persuasively.”  (Legal 500 2023 Energy)

    "Enjoys a fast-growing reputation among peers and instructing solicitors particularly for his outstanding written advocacy across a range of areas including banking, competition law and energy. Such is the regard in which he is held that he often acts unled in major cases. He is a go-to for numerous instructing solicitors presented with complex, multi-jurisdictional banking cases". "Thoroughly deserves his reputation as one of the best juniors around." "He's very smart and produces work of extremely high quality in a remarkably short period of time. His advocacy is also very good."Chambers UK (2019)

    "A commanding presence in court. The brightest and best young silk at the Bar today.” (Legal 500 2023 Banking and Finance​​​​​)

    “Conall is quite simply brilliant – brilliant written work, brilliant advocacy, and brilliant strategic advice. He is hands-on and is always responsive, contactable, and willing to discuss matters of concern to solicitors and clients. An absolute star at the bar.” (Legal 500 2023 Commercial Litigation)

    “Conall is an outstanding silk and a name to remember. He is not only exceptionally bright and commercial, but simply amazing on his feet. He provides clear, practical and concise advice to his clients and is very easy to work with; he is simply one of the best competition QC’s around.” (Legal 500 2023 Competition) 

    “Conall Patton KC enjoys a fast-growing reputation among peers and instructing solicitors particularly for his outstanding written advocacy across a range of areas including banking, competition law and energy. He is a go-to for numerous instructing solicitors presented with complex, multi-jurisdictional banking cases, and is noted for his deft handling of bond disputes and fraud claims.” (Chambers UK Bar 2023 Banking and Finance)

    “Conall Patton KC is a highly regarded silk who is capable of dealing with both the commercial and regulatory aspects of energy work. He has experience in advising and representing clients both in court and in arbitration, and acts for high-ranking developers and facility operators, as well as commodity traders. Patton is equally capable of handling disputes relating to the oil and gas, renewable energy and mining sectors.” (Chambers UK Bar 2023 Energy & Natural Resources)

    “He is an outstanding and first-class barrister in every respect - a future leader at the Bar.” (Chambers UK Bar 2023 Commercial Dispute Resolution)

     "Fantastic – a go-to barrister on complex finance disputes".Legal 500 (2018)

    "He has a phenomenal mind and is wonderful to deal with."Legal 500 (2020)

    "Undoubtedly one of the top juniors at the commercial Bar and has also gained substantial experience in competition litigation."Legal 500 (2018) 

    "One of the absolute top-notch juniors, so incisive and calm."Legal 500 (2018)

    "Widely regarded as being at the vanguard of juniors in this field, he is capable of dealing with both the commercial and regulatory aspects of energy work. He has experience in advising and representing clients both in court and in arbitration, and acts for high-ranking developers and facility operators, as well as commodity traders. Patton is equally capable of handling disputes relating to the oil and gas, renewable energy or mining sectors. "Very smart and produces work of an extremely high quality." "He is very hard-working, always on top of the details and very well thought of."Chambers UK (2019)

    "Regularly instructed on complex, large-scale commercial arbitrations."Legal 500 (2018)

    "An absolute star – one of the very best at One Essex Court."Legal 500 (2020) 

    "His drafting is particularly strong, and he has very good judgement." "Connall gets to the nub of an issue quickly, and is exceptionally effective at breaking down complex issues in a simple fashion."Chambers UK (2019) 

     "Certainly destined for greatness."Legal 500 (2018)

    "A commanding presence in court. The brightest and best young silk at the Bar today.Legal 500 (2023) 

    "One of the finest barristers that I have ever instructed at any level, Conall made silk this year and is destined to be a Star at the Bar."Legal 500 (2020) 

  • Education

    Gonville and Caius College, University of Cambridge (1999-2002), BA Law (1st class) 
    Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Harvard University (2002-2003) 
    BPP Law School (2003-2004), BVC (Very Competent)

  • Other Academic Achievements

    Diploma in French (Distinction) (University of Cambridge, 2000)
    Diploma in German (Distinction) (University of Cambridge, 2002)

    Winner, William McNair Mooting Competition (Gonville and Caius, 2000) 
    Parry Prize for International Law (Cambridge, 2001)
    Frere-Smith Prize for Law (Gonville and Caius, 2001, 2002)
    Squire scholar (Cambridge, 2001, 2002)
    Five Raymond Buildings Prize for Human Rights dissertation (Cambridge, 2002) 
    Kennedy scholar (Kennedy Memorial Trust, 2002)
    Bedingfield scholar (Gray's Inn, 2003)
    Reid Scholar (Gray's Inn, 2004)


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